4. Privileged And Unprivileged

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Kim Taehyung

I could sense how this person, I suppose his secretary is glancing me from head to toe. I feel uncomfortable buy I can't voice out. This is my only way to escape and I have to endure it. Earlier when this guy named Jungkook offered me to accompany him to his business trip, I hesitated about his intentions but when he ensured me, something inside me told to believe him.

So, I am lingering on to the hope that he will not take advantage of me unappropriatly. For people like me thinking like this is an illusion because people like him are privileged to take advantage of people like us.

I sighed following him into some sort of huge mansion on this island. I don't know where we are or if something happens how I will get out of here. Atleast it won't be as bad as my marriage.

There were 5-6 people waiting for his arrival in that house or castle whatever you want to call it, bowing their heads down.

There were 5-6 people waiting for his arrival in that house or castle whatever you want to call it, bowing their heads down

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"Mr. Jeon and Mr. Hwang welcome back." A middle aged women smiled at him and the secretary.

"How many times I've to tell you to call me Jungkook, sungmo." He smiled embracing her into hug.

"You both have grown." the lady made a fake emotional face.

"Don't be dramatic sungmo its just six months." Hyunjin laughed.

"Six months are alot." she slapped his shoulder.

"Sungmo, this here is Taehyung a guest of mine. Please guide him to one of the guest rooms closer to my room and assign someone to attend to his needs." he smiled looking in my direction. I lowered my head down.

"Oh my boy he is beautiful.... I thought he might be Hyunjin's guest." the woman chuckled.

"See I told ya...." Hyunjin whispered something over his shoulder that I couldn't hear.

As soon as he ended the talk with lady everyone started moving here and there, perhaps to do their tasks. The lady guided me upstairs going through a few turns and twist. I doubt that I'll learn them.

"Here, this is your room. There is an intercom service, if you need anything then you can press one it'll directly dialed to me." She smiled.

"What I can call you?" I asked her.

"Oh, pardon my name is Choi Sunhee, I am head of the staff here. You can call me sungmo like those two, I won't mind."

"Thankyou sungmo, you can call me Taehyung." I bowed.

"No formalities Taehyung. Mr. Jeon will be here in next 10 minutes probably he has something to talk to you." she said and left closing the door.

The next ten minutes weren't even enough for me to look around the room, given it's size. However I was standing infront of a huge window that gave the view of front garden and pool.

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