21. Life's Purpose

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Kim Taehyung

I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist I still want it all~~

Life is unpredictable, isn't it? One time you don't know what's going to happen and the next it seem like your life has sorted out forever. Or did I start believing so? The feeling made me shiver, this is not it. This is not all I want. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Asking one question to myself who am I and who have I become? I sighed looking at my empty hands. That are empty from years, I didn't get to hold anything or anyone in these hands because I only had one purpose infront of me.

A life without purpose or direction is useless to live. It doesn't matter if the purpose is defined by yourself or inflicted upon you by others or your fate.

When you choose your own purpose then life becomes easier on you. But if you have to live by the purpose decided by fate or others then you consider yourself as a puppet. Whether you are happy or not you have to do it.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. After a few rings it was received by the person on otherside. "Hello, how are you?" I asked.

"I am fine, how are you Tae? Tell me you are fine."

"I am fine. What about her?" I asked.

"She is fine too. Just she misses you alot." the voice sighed.

"Tell her, I'll meer her soon." I smiled weakly.

"I will. Are you there yet? Where you needed to be?" he asked.

I bit my lower lip thinking about an answer, "You can say I am almost. Thankyou for taking care of her." I said.

"You don't owe me any thankyou. I am doing it because I love her."

"Hey.... Shut up how can you say that?" I scolded him.

"You know Taehyung, my love for her is pure. You don't need to worry about me. I will protect her until you are back." He said in his cheery voice and I do trust him with my life.

"I know." I said.

"You are really okay Taehyung? Please be safe and ask for any help you need from me okay?"

"Don't wor....."

"Taehyung where are you?" Jungkook's sleepy voice echoed through the hallway and ended the call.

"Oh were you talking to someone, I heard your voice." I froze at my place listening to his words.

"Yeah.. It was um.. Jin hyung."

"Is everything alright?" he came and hugged me from behind snuggling his sleepy face in my nape. It was his morning ritual since the day I told him, I am his.

"Yes, I was just missing him. Hyung, can I please go and see him?" I asked.

He chuckled in his sleepy voice, "You aren't my slave Taehyung. You don't need my permission to go see your friends. Just be careful, how about I drop you there on my way to office and then I'll send driver to take you back here. Is it okay?"

"Yes, it's good." I smiled. He cares for me so much.

"Also, I was thinking you should join my company. So, you don't feel bored here and I'll get to see you more." he kissed my cheek.

"Thankyou but I don't want anymore favors from you hyung. I applied online in three firms yesterday."

He pulled back and turned me around, "Taehyung I have no objection; where you should work or not but it's not safe anywhere else, until I find him. In my company I can protect you everytime. When this is over you can go wherever you want, I won't stop you from choosing your career." he pecked my forehead.

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