29. The Wedding

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Jeon Jungkook

Although it is the decision that I took, still it feels so unreal. Two and a half months ago thinking about marriage wasn't in my priorities and today I am marrying the person I love.

It is right what they say about timing, when the timing is right you will find what is yours. I smiled thinking about all the things and my new life that was about to begin now.

Having a sound home and family is which I wanted along with a successful career. With the deal I am about to require and Taehyung, both will be changing my life for good.

"Son....." The door opened and I saw my father coming inside.

Following Taehyung's wish, I arranged marriage ceremony simply in the nearby church with just us, my father, Hyunjin, his mother and Seokjin. Namjoon my brother was busy even on my wedding day but he said that he will try his best to attend the reception.

"Father you are here." I smiled turning around. He came upto me and took my wrist into is calloused hands. Doing my cuff buttons.

"I am not fond of this idea of having a boring marriage but couldn't miss it right." he laughed loudly.

"I had to respect his wishes too, he is going to be my husband."

"Yes, you are right. You know Jungkook, you are like your mom. Your whole life, I tried you to make into me but I think innate behavior is never changed. She was devoted to family always. Devoted to me, devoted to her children and home.

When I was busy with growing the company, she was growing a beautiful home, she left me too soon, I think I didn't deserve her. I couldn't give her time when she was alive. I do regret sometimes but it is useless."


"No, let me finish.... You are just like your mom devoted to build a family and a home. I wish you best of luck for it with the man of your dreams." he smiled.

"Thankyou dad.... I can't wait until you meet Taehyung. You will like him instantly."

He laughed, "It's your choice. I know he would be a good person."

The door knocked and Hyunjin with his mom came in, "Woahhh my friend. Can't believe you are getting married today. Look at you my all grown up baby." he said loudly removing fake tears from his eyes.

"I'll take my leave now, son. Good noon Mrs. Hwang." father paid his getting and left the room.

"Jungkook you don't know how happy I am." Mr. Hwang said as I hugged her. She is mother figure in my life helping me all the way after my mother left this world.

"Thankyou for everything aunty. I owe you alot."

"Oh silly, when did son start to owe to their mothers, huh? You are just like Hyunjin for me....."

"More than me..." Hyunjin interrupted.

"Yeah more than him. I can't replace your mother's presence here but I would like to let you know a few things every mother wants their son to know before marriage. It is a huge and beautiful responsibility Jungkook, when you decide to take it, take it completely.

Don't do marriage half heartedly ever. The partner you are taking in your name will be your responsibility. Their happiness, health, dignity and respect will be all yours to protect. Keep them happy Jungkookah, then you will see how your house will flourish. Marriage is not rainbows and roses, there will be thorns too, don't let them pick alone, be there for them everytime.

I hope from this day forward, my son will have more happiness than he deserves. You have been through alot, I pray to God to grant you the happiness that has been over due in your life." she tiptoed and pecked my forehead.

Illusion | Taekook ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora