25. Calm After The Storm

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Kim Taehyung

I squirmed a little opening my eyes to the warm golden light of the room. My bed was warmer than usual, I turned to my side and snuggled up to the pillow. However, my fingers didn't touch the fabric of pillow.

Rather they came in contact with something that was radiating that warmth. I grazed a little tried to feel if it was dream or reality before I could make it, "Goodmorning Taehyung." I heard his raspy voice so near to my ear.

I gulped down shuting my eyes completely, given that the position I am in. My half body is practically on him. I have no idea how it happened. I felt him caressing my shoulder as I opened my eyes slowly to look at him and he smiled back. His lip piercing shining as sunlight played with it. His face up close was something else in the morning.

"Goodmorning" my voice barely came as a whisper.

"Are you being shy?" he chuckled and I hit his chest.

"It's okay... Look at me." he said and I did. "You look beautiful when you wake up Tae." he smiled.

"No, I don't hyung." I pouted and he kissed it leaning in. Slowly turning me to lay down as he positioned himself above me, kissing me slowly as if we had all the time in world.

"You do.... Why didn't you call me last night?" he asked.

"I didn't want to disturb you. I didn't know it'd be this bad." I sighed.

"What happened last night Taehyung. Why you were so scared? Do you have Astraphobia?" He kissed my forehand sweetly caressing my cheek.

"I am scared of thunderstorms since childhood hyung, I didn't mean to worry you, I am sorry."

"No, don't be sorry, I told you to call me right away if you want me. I am bit disappointed that you don't think me of someone who is yours yet." he questioned looking in my eyes.

It was too much for me to look at him in that moment, "No, hyung... It's not like that. You...are my everything now."

"Then you won't suffer like that ever again? You promise?" he kissed the back of my hand and I nodded.

In that moment it all felt perfect. Like someone was writing a movie where I was the main character getting love of his life. Since, our time together he and I never shared a bed.

Today was the first time, I woke up by his side and it all felt magical. He gently rested his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes sinking in the feeling of warmth I was feeling in his arms.

I grazed my arms from his elbows to his shoulders then to his neck, holding his face, as I raised my face to join my lips to his. It was the sweetest feeling that I was getting used to. He held my waist, kissing me deeply. I could feel the heat increasing between us.

I slid my hands under the duvet, on his back pressing him more towards me. He groaned in frustration but didn't stop kissing me. With every moment passing he was getting more aggressive with me tucking down on my hair, my jaws and what not.

I pressed my growing need against his because in this moment, I don't care for anything. I know I need him and I'll get him. Today he won't be escaping me and I'll make sure of it.

"Taehyung, I... We have to get ready..." before he could move, I pressed my knee against his bulge.

"Today is Sunday, Hyung." I whispered against his lips.

"Taehyung, I want you to be sure, before doing this." I chuckled lightly at the irony, how of all the men he was the only one to ask me this question.

"I am sure.... Aren't you?" I smiled and he peppered kisses allover my face.

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