Chapter 8

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I heard screams butcher the skies as the Sirens struck at us. But our attack was much harder.

We had been fighting for a while now, our enemies were strong, using their feathers to strike at us. I felt cuts all over my body, and my armour was torn.

We had lost a lot of our people, but we were still fighting strong. James had figured out that he could use the trident to blast lightning. He had taken out quite a few and saved my life countless times. He acted like a true mate on the battlefield.

I boomed out a song to block out the ear breaking screams. "Sleep.. Sleep.. fall to the sea. Sleep.. Sleep.. be unsafe no more. Thy live in thy ocean and Thy will protect thee. Sleep.. Sleep.. Ignore the war", I sang, my melody hitting the ears of all Sirens in radius.

They fell quickly, splashing into the sea as my people quickly grabbed them and dragged them under. They didn't last long afterward.

Little did we know that wasn't the last of them, just like it wasn't the last time, or the last time before that.

These were more powerful than the ones before. I continued chanting my song, but this one seemed to not affect the winged demons completely.

I began to build up as much water as I could, sending it bursting into the new flock of Siren.

They grew surprised by the quick attack, and didn't last long once James sent a burst of lightning at them.

They burnt to a crisp and the ashes blew away with the wind.

The army rejoiced, hoping that this was the end of it. After no response from the skies, we began checking our dead and using the water to heal ourselves.

Then they struck. They ambushed us, currents of wind bringing us out of the water and sending us out into the sky.

I grabbed James once I spotted a Siren much larger than anything I had seen before strike at us.

I dove deep underwater, but it wasn't deep enough as we were sent flying through the air.

I panicked, manipulating the water as quickly as I could as James and I were once again in the water.

"Go James! This one's different! They're dangerous!" I ordered in a panicked tone.

James stared the Super Siren down, and then directed a bolt of lightning at it without even flinching.

The bolt hit the Siren but it barely even left a scratch. I screamed as the Siren came running for James. In a panic, I manipulated the water into grabbing James tail.

I sent him flying downwards into the depths of the sea, and I swam into his spot.

"COME TAKE ME CREATURE!" I roared as the Siren returned my challenge. The siren came swooping down in a speed faster than I could manage.

I tried my best to attack but I was too late, before I knew it, the Siren had grabbed me in his claws and dragged me flopping and screaming out of the water.


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Palaimon and the Sailor (boyxboy) Short story by L.J HardingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz