"You'd really ignore me?"

"Hell yeah, the best way I've dealt with everything is to just hate your guts, or at least tell myself that I did- to make it hurt less."

At those words, his smile then faded, and Silas' followed.

"Can I uh- can I speak now?"

"Yeah of course, I'm sorry," Silas laughed. "Go ahead..."

"Well I uh.... I don't want to take us down memory lane, at least not on purpose but...that night when you walked in...you turned around and never looked back. Which I don't blame you at all, but I just- I never got the chance to genuinely apologize to you, for everything not even just that. You... Silas, you were really the one that got away. And I know that there's no rekindling, which I fully take responsibility for, but I needed you to know that. And I'm sorry- I'm truly sorry, for what I did...and for not bending over backwards to win you back-"

"You should have," Silas whispered sincerely, and Kingston nodded, letting his eyes fall again. "Why didn't you?"

He sighed. "In my head, at the time, it was because you just left... I mean of course now I realize that that was the dumbest shit to use as an excuse, but I did... It only fed my insecurities when you walked out of the door and never looked back. Because I'd already been thinking that you were losing interest in me and didn't love me for real-"

"That's nowhere near true King-"

"I know," he let out a puff of air while rubbing his forehead. "I know, and I'm sorry Si. I was being an idiot, and an immature one at that...You didn't deserve to be treated that way, and I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay," Silas whispered before Kingston shot back,

"It's not okay Si-"

"No really, it is King... I mean yes I was pissed at you for years, but seeing that you genuinely feel bad for doing what you did, shows to me that you didn't do it to purposefully hurt me-"

"I really didn't..."

"I know..." Silence fell as the two of them gazed upon each other, wanting to say so much yet no words left either of them. "You were just callously stupid-"

Kingston expelled a breath of laughter and Silas smiled at him. They looked at each other again for a moment until Silas held out his arms.

"Come here." Kingston walked hesitantly into his embrace, then tried his hardest not to melt in Silas' arms. "I forgive you, okay?" he whispered, holding his ex lover tight. So tight that Kingston felt tears brimming his eyes as he squeezed back. "You should forgive yourself King... Regardless, I still want you to find happiness. And you can't do that if you let your past haunt you..."

"I know..."

"I'm serious, you hear me?"

"I do," he closed his eyes, letting himself bask in their embrace for the moment that it was. "I promise, I do..."


Over by the beverage table, Kyra walked slowly up to the table. She grabbed a cup, then eyed the variety of options until deciding on the pitcher of lemonade. Another woman also happened to be getting lemonade as well, and Kyra decided to introduce herself.

"Hi there, I don't think we've properly met." The woman turned around as Kyra smiled at her. "I'm Kyra, but some people here call me Bri as well."

"Well which do you prefer?"

"You can call me Bri," she said, subtly giving her a once over. "And you are?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Tina," she chuckled. "Old friend of Aria's."

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