27 | A World Complete

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Nightmares she had already been used to, but not this kind, the kind that came from trauma nestled deep within her and not her own choices; crawling up her throat and choking her before disappearing.

Her sleep was sometimes restless, sometimes fitful. It changed, from day to day.

Lilavati sighed, as she struggled upwards to sit against the ample pillows that had been piled on her bed.

She was tired of lying in bed all day and wished to move around more, but the vaidyaa had left strict instructions that she was not to do anything more strenuous than some stretching to help her retain her mobility for at least two weeks.

Lilavati's hand went up to gingerly prod at the part of her head that she had gotten a concussion from. It was still covered in bandages, though it hurt little now.

As she shifted on the pillows, her side ached. It was better now. For the first few days, even moving slightly used to shoot up pain through her spine.

Beside her, Krishna shifted in his sleep. Though she guessed that he was aware that she was awake.

Her husband had taken to sleeping beside her despite her protests. She was grateful for it, and the fact that she was never alone.

Satyaki and Kritavarma came to visit her every other day, the former chattering on about the most mundane topics and the latter sometimes engaging in debates with her or Satyaki. Nagnajiti was there with her most of the time, even though she had other queenly duties that took higher priority, her elder sister still spent a lot of the day with her.

And Lilavati was beyond grateful for them—for her family.

The younger version of her would have laughed had she been told that one day she'd have a support system beyond Iltani, but yet here she was, loved beyond reason.

The door creaked open, shaking her from her thoughts.

She tensed, but as a face she recognised peeked in, Lilavati sighed in relief.


Her... friend, though the title was somewhat strange considering the nature of their relationship, had come to visit her.

"Lilavati. I was just hoping to see you asleep and be on my way."

Lilavati smiled. "I was just awake. Do you wish to take a walk?"

Madhuraa's gaze drifted to the sleeping form of their husband, serene in yoganidra.

"Only if you want to."

Lilavati did not respond to that, rather getting off the bed as lightly as she could, wincing at the ache in her back from being in one position all day.

Well, these were mundane aches. Those she could handle.

It was part of a boring life after all.

She walked over to Krishna's side of the bed, looking at him almost wistfully and she had to remind herself that he would still be there for her in the morning.

She pressed a kiss to her hand and rested her palm on his cheek tenderly for a few moments.

Smiling, she turned to Madhuraa, who was watching her with a careful eye.

"Are you sure you should be out of bed?"

Lilavati laughed silently. "I'm tired of sitting in bed. A walk would be anything but strenuous right now."

Madhuraa nodded.

They made their way to the gardens, and the fresh air greeted her, and she took a deep breath, glad to be back.

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