18 | Something Different

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Nagnajiti was braiding her hair, a soothing sensation shifting through her hair as they were laid one section over the other and Lilavati shifted, unused to such gentle care and tenderness except from Iltani.

As the queen finished braiding her hair and started adorning the braid with metal flowers that were golden in colour, with red designs spiralling from the centre of the flowers, Lilavati asked, "Jiji, why are you adorning me so?"

Nagnajiti hummed, a happy sound that lit up her chambers.

"Krishna and Rukku Jiji are coming back, Lila, and you will be coming with us to welcome them home."


Nagnajiti laughed at Lilavati's bewilderment as she finished putting the last of the flowers into her hair.

"It is tradition all across Aryavarta that the new bride welcomes her husband home after he returns from somewhere. Usually it would be after her lord has attained a major victory in a battle or accomplished something great, but I—and the rest of my sisters—do agree that you deserve this honour."

Taking in the information, Lilavati stood at a nod from Nagnajiti and approached a mirror to take in her new look.

The first thing that struck her as she gazed at her reflection was that she was healthier. It had been roughly three or four months since she had come here, and in that time her body had been transformed from a lithe but slightly too thin form to a healthier one, and she could see the gentle curves of her body. Lilavati had chosen to wear a red saari, for some reason feeling drawn to that colour, and the saari had a golden border embellishing its corners, swirling designs forming abstract shapes within the border. 

She was of course adorned, having picked out the rubied necklace and a matching pair of earrings and bangles clinking as red as the dawn upon her arms. 

She spun once, feeling the soft shift of silken cloth against her skin and then she laughed. A genuine laugh that she was rare to let escape her lips.

Nagnajiti was watching her with a gentle smile on her face, a real affection glimmering for Lilavati in her dark eyes. Then, she cocked her head to one side as though she was listening to someone speak, and Lilavati supposed it was their bond through which she was listening, and a bright smile lit up her Jiji's face.

"They're almost here, come!"

Nagnajiti took Lilavati's hand and they ran, as her sky blue veil picked up wind and flowed gracefully behind her, while Lilavati stumbled over her saari, calling to her Jiji to slow down. Kausalya laughed, a happy laugh that brightened the moods of everyone surrounding them and spoke to Lilavati of the joy of reuniting with their lover, even after a short period of viraha.

They reached the gates of the palace complex soon enough, and Lilavati could see restless smiles on the countenances of her husband's elder wives, sharing awaiting and knowing glances. 

Maharaani Lakshmanaa stood with Bhadra, and when her eyes fell on Lilavati she did not say anything, but studied her with heavy, intense eyes and Lilavati bore the scrutiny for a few moments that felt longer than expected, and then the queen found whatever she was looking for, and merely inclined her head to her in acknowledgment, surprising Lilavati.

She could understand the impatience of her husband's elder wives as they shifted, feeling the restlessness and apprehension fill her as she adjusted her saari, wishing that her husband would come into sight at any moment, because she was not sure she could bear the separation any longer.

Lilavati stared into the horizon, as the waves dashed upon the beach and were clearly audible to her ears.

I have been waiting for nearly a month, Natha, where are you? Please, ease my pain as you had promised.

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