Part Sixty-Nine: The Innocent Bystanders

Start from the beginning

"One we're prepared for," Soap says confidently.

"And one I am not," Mateen retorts. "You should go..." Mateen begins to walk to the front door but not before Price stands to his feet and grasps his arm.

I'm not surprised. We're asking a lot of him. If he agrees to help us he also puts his family at risk. There are other ways for us to find the just might take longer. So let's hope Mateen can't be easily convinced for the sake of his and his family's safety.

"Listen, Mateen. You do not want these men in your country. They destroy everything in their paths and it's only a matter of time until they decide to take over Afghanistan," Price warns, his voice strained. "We're not asking you to fight. We're asking you to take us there. After you show us the way to the scrapyard I swear to you, you'll never see us again," Price says wholeheartedly.

It feels very tense in this room and no one dares to move a muscle until Mateen makes his decision.

We sit in silence for what feels like forever.

"I'm going to regret this...but alright," Mateen sighs deeply and shakes his head. "But you better keep your promise. If I see you in Afghanistan again I will kill you."

Price grins, then so does Mateen, and they shake hands.

What an odd relationship they have.

"The scrapyard isn't far but I cannot take you there until I've arranged for my family to stay someplace safe. I will not allow any of this death and destruction to come back to them," he says deadly serious.

"I understand." Price nods.

"You're all more than welcome to stay here for the time being." Mateen pauses. "If you look outside behind the house there's a small farmhouse with hay bales you can use to sleep."

"That's very kind of you," Soap says.

We hear footsteps approaching.

"For you." Nahal rounds the corner carrying blankets and pillows. "To rest with." She smiles softly.

I approach Nahal, grab a blanket and pillow, and say, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"It's our pleasure," she says, smiling softly.

The rest of the team grabs their blankets and pillows and we make our way to the barn out back. It's exactly what you'd expect: covered in dirt and hay.

In the center of the barn are a group of hay bales. To the left of them are stables without any horses.

I wonder where they could be...

"I call first dibs!" Soap runs over to the hay bales.

"They're all the same, idiot..." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Nah, this one's special." Soap pats his hay bale of choice.


"Guess I'll take the one next to yours." I shrug my shoulders.

I don't feel comfortable sleeping in a foreign place so I'd like to sleep next to someone I wholeheartedly trust.

"I won't tell Ghost if you don't," he winks, his grin mischievous.

Old habits die hard.

"You're a dumbass." I flip him the finger and plop down on my hay bale.

Listening in on our chatter, Price chuckles as he gets situated on his hay bale.

"Do people sleep on zeze?" König asks.

"Not normally," I sigh. "But it's the best we got for now."

"I hope zey are not itchy," König furrows his brow.

"Let's hope not," I smirk, chuckling softly.

"Alright, team. Let's get some shut-eye," Price says.

"Sweet dreams, Captain," Soap titters.

"Shut up, Sergeant." Price throws his blanket over his head.

Haha, I love these guys.

It's been fun to get to work directly with them. Aside from Soap, I haven't spent too much time getting to know König or Captain Price.

Although I'm grateful for this opportunity I can't help but feel sad and a tad bit lonely.

I wonder where Ghost is. Have they landed in Russia? Is he sleeping on a hay bale? God, pointless racing thoughts...

The racing thoughts always come at night when I feel the most alone.

What if he dies?

Goddamn intrusive thoughts!

Just got to sleep, Breanna. Count sheep.

One sheep.

Two sheep.

Three sheep...

I wonder if Ghost is thinking about me too.

Twenty sheep.

Twenty-one sheep.

Twenty-two sheep...

A Ghost Encounter: My Time with Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now