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Revel was pissed off, worried, and anxious. Ever since that day, he couldn't sleep except for small naps here and there. He kept dreaming of Lys's burning body and the jewelry store up in flames. At this point, he was just riding the emotions that tumbled through him to get through his days.

He fiddled with his expensive black suit, picking at the maroon embroidery, as he waited for some Fae lord to show up. He had been searching for Lys for weeks, and had come up with nothing. He had almost killed Ralfiel for what he did, leaving Lys alone there. The demon had been wisely avoiding him since.

"Prince Revellen, the Fae lord is waiting in your office," a female demon said. Her black eyes devoured the light, the black veins making her round eyes even more dramatic. She kept those eyes averted, her hands shaking a little. Revel took a deep steadying breath.

"Thank you. Go have your break." The female nodded and darted away. Revel began walking to his office. When he entered, a handsome Fae male stood from his chair. His light-brown hair was swept back and his blue eyes gleamed like jewels. He gave Revel a bow and a wide smile as Revel took his seat opposite him, his fine suit gleaming bronze.

"Hello Prince Revellen. I appreciate that you took time out of your day to meet with me." Revel gave the male a cold look.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The male smiled again.

"I am Lord Thetos of Redglade. And put simply, I want you on my team for the Trial three years from now."

"No." Revel stood back up. "You may leave now."

"You didn't even hear my terms--"

"I have no interest in being some gladiator in your games. Now leave." Revel made for the door. He was almost to it when Thetos spoke again.

"I know where Elysia is."

Revel stopped dead in his tracks. And slowly turned back to the male.

"What did you just say?"

"I know exactly where Elysia is." Thetos raised his eyebrows. "Isn't she who you're looking for?"

"How do you know that?" Revel prowled closer to Thetos, who was smart enough to look a little worried.

"Word travels."

"Not an answer. Now where is she?" Revel's voice shook. Thetos clicked his tongue.

"Not so fast. You compete for me in the Trial, and then I will tell you." Thetos must have noticed the rage in Revel's amber eyes, because he quickly added, "And if you try to kill me or get information out of me in anyways, you will never see Elysia Bakkar again. Trust me when I say that."

Revel paused. "How so?" Thetos gave him a feline smirk.

"I know people."

Revel considered it. A Fae lord could probably hide a single woman very well, especially one with high standing like this dumbass. He had heard of the Redglade family before, a brutal clan of warrior Lords. Not people you cross without forethought.

"You swear on it?"

"I swear." The Fae lord's tone went very serious and a small tang went into the air. The Fae were bound to their promises. Revel relaxed just a little.

"Is she safe?" Revel asked, sitting back down.

"I swear that she is safe and well." Thetos watched him warily as he said it. But if it wasn't true, he would've gotten some sort of visible injury. Revel sighed.

"I'll play in your stupid games," was all Revel had to say.

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