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Revel was extremely bored as he helped Lys get a chance to familiarize herself with her newest job.

"And how would you like to get a warranty on it, ma'am?" The sales associate behind the counter of the jewelry store, a faun with delicate features and round eyes, trembled as Lys and Revel finished their purchase. Lys had brought him only so they'd seem like a young couple picking out engagement bands. Revel acted the part of the doormat groom with ease. Simply gazing at Lys as she talked out her ass about different gems and carats. As she asked hundreds of stupid, pointless questions. And still that faun trembled. She had scented him and the power drifting off him. Lys seemed puzzled at it, but said nothing. She had never even come close to figuring out what he hid below his skin. How she didn't sense that vast power lurking there, he didn't know. Revel said nothing, did nothing, only smiling blankly at Lys as she answered.

"I'd rather not." Lys was playing the spoiled princess well. All cold arrogance and temper. Revel was pretty sure the faun should be more scared of Lys than him. The faun nodded and slid the card to Revel and gave the bag with the ring to Lys.

"Well, you're all set! If you have any questions, feel free to call and ask!" The faun said, looking as if she hoped that they never came back. Revel smiled at her as Lys left, not bothering with a goodbye. He followed quickly after. It took a minute to catch up to her. Lys was walking, following directions on her phone.

"Hey, you could've waited for me!" Revel called out once he got close enough. Lys didn't bother looking at him until he was in her view of sight. She smiled.

"I no longer require your assistance." Lys spoke as if she was explaining something simple to a child. "Please leave and go do whatever the fuck it is demi-Fae do." Revel laughed.

"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen at all." Revel grinned at her. "I took the day off, so you're gonna have to entertain me." He hadn't formally taken the day off, but Revel certainly wasn't going to tell her that. Or why he was blowing off work. Lys shook her head.

"I'm not bringing you along. I simply needed you help make me look more normal in there." Revel rolled his eyes.

"Come on! You haven't done a gig with me in ages!" He purred, bringing his mouth close to her ear. "Remember all the fun we had?"

She jumped back and Revel laughed as she scowled at him. She looked stunning today. Her hair burned like an enchanted ruby in the weak Attican sun, her cheeks pink with cold, brown eyes sparkling underneath long lashes. Her cream sweater settled right at the end of her shoulders, with a soft sloping v-shape that made Revel want to rip it off. And those fucking jeans, the fabric clinging to every slim muscle, were going to be the end of him. As he looked at her, he realized just how much he towered over her. Which made him smile bigger as he stared down Lys's scowl.

"Did you take every 'How to be a Douche 101' course you could find?" Lys gritted out. Revel could tell she was reeling in that rage that had settled permanently along her bones. "Because it seems like you passed with flying colors."

Revel grinned. "At least I'm not short as a gnome. I can't take anything you say seriously." Lys glared at him and whirled around, walking away. Revel chuckled. That was probably enough dancing on the dragon though, especially since she was allowing him to come.


After a long day of running around to various shady-ass places, Revel finally walked Lys home. They had been mostly silent, only exchanging a few words here and there. As they walked up the stairs, Lys finally broke the steady silence.

"Thank you for your company today. You were tolerable today." Revel bowed with a small smile.

"I aim to please." Which to his delight, earned him a small smile from Lys.

"I'd believe you, but I think I might regret that," Lys said wryly as she unlocked her door and walked in. She left the door open behind her, so Revel followed her into her apartment. He closed the door behind him, looking around. It felt so... bare. Empty. Lifeless. Even Lys's vibrant hair didn't brighten it up at all. Lys cleared her throat, causing Revel to twist his gaze to her. She gestured behind herself.

"I'm going to go shower. Help yourself to the kitchen, but if you make a mess, so help me gods, I will kick you out."

Revel smirked as he looked her over. As he took in every detail that had tortured him all day today. By the time he looked at her face again, she was blushing.

"At least you're smart enough to know you'll need gods to help get rid of me." Lys rolled her eyes and headed to her bedroom as Revel strode to the kitchen. He was familiar with her apartment she got when she turned eighteen two years ago. Needing to escape her father partially. He's been here for all sorts of reasons. Sex, obviously was probably the main one. But he's taken care of her a few times after Bakkar left her too weak to even move.

Revel opened Lys's gleaming fridge. He grabbed a beer, likely stolen straight out of the gas station's deliveries. Closing the fridge, Revel looked at the stainless steel that for some reason Lys was obsessed with keeping squeaky clean. He smiled thinking about it. About her. Revel just shook his head and went to find a movie that might help take Lys mind off the world and it's problems.

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