And maybe what I thought would be fun for both of us was a scheme in itself, and I just didn't realize it. I know Ekko thinks I'm pretty. And he's trying to tolerate me, because he's Ekko, but he's having a hard time of it, because I'm me. He can't feel the way I feel about him. Maybe I was hoping sex would change that.

Stupid Jinx. If I had kept my mouth shut, he would have fucked me that one time, just to see what it was like, and moved on like it was nothing in the morning. Just closure. Kind of like what I wanted the sleepover to be— not that that would've worked for me, no matter what. I shouldn't have even tried.

Vi heads toward the breakfast line, but I'm too full of ants and have to split off for the weapons arsenal. "Aren't you hungry?" she says after me.

"They have food at the lab," I say.

"Are you gonna be back for dinner?"


She's not pleased, but she lets me go. I like that about us now— that she lets me go, and I come back.

Every enforcer I encounter turns their masked head to follow my progress, but nobody gets in my way. I'm kind of immune to their input even now. Jester's privilege. They'll only get on my butt if I look like I'm gonna kill them imminently.

Topside, I get a few more looks than usual, but I'm too preoccupied to give a hoot. I find a midtown stall selling doughnuts with chocolate frosting and buy two with a portion of the government surveillance money Vi gave me to spend. While the shopkeep's busy bagging them up, I nab a third to suck dry through the rest of my walk.

Jayce Talis and Viktor have only just gotten in when I get in. Jayce is putting the lights on and Viktor's trading Trekstech for his walking stick, and they both jolt when I barge through the door.

"Jinx," says Viktor, rubbing squinty eyes. "Good morning."

"Hiya!" I chirp. "Look what I brought." I swing the market bag over my head and run it to the table. My own doughnut is deflated, all the cream vacuumed out from the hole, and I consider switching it out with Jayce's, but he gets there too fast.

"You're early today," he says, peering in at the goods.

"My pleasure, progress man," I say. He gives the doughnuts a faint, wry smile and takes them out with the included napkins like the prissy Piltie he is. Viktor shows up and reaches for one. Jayce passes him the one with more frosting.

"I gave the Firelights their gift," I say as we all settle down to feast.

"How did they like it?" Viktor asks.

"A lot, I think. They asked a lot of questions."

"What about the bomb?" says Jayce.

I tear off a piece of doughnut like a beast and chew proudly. "They'll be finding glitter in their hair for years."

He rolls his eyes, probably still bitter about his generous participation in the Clotstech beta stage.

Heimerdinger brings in Jinx Junior at just about the time we finish eating. I still have a bite left, so I scoop him up and feed it to him, then let him cling to the back of my shirt while we set up today's work. Jayce and Viktor are continuing with the scale model; I'm designing some lesser junk for the Academy kids to build. It's Jayce's day to pick the music, and he picks silence, so I hum to myself on my cabinet and Jinx Junior tries to tap his claws to the beat. His rhythm isn't great. I appreciate his enthusiasm, though. It's my best shot at distraction from last night.

I stay starved until eleven— that's the time Jayce cuts out for an hour or so every workday for reasons unknown. Usually I don't say anything, since Viktor doesn't, and because who cares what Jayce Talis is up to, but I jump on the chance to use my brain on something that's not woe and equations I could do in my sleep.

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