Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 ━━ Artie Villa

Long time no see, folks! Next chapter is under work-in-progress state so stay tuned!Comments=MoreUpdates!Don't forget to vote!

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Long time no see, folks! Next chapter is under work-in-progress state so stay tuned!
Don't forget to vote!


Enjoying his morning black coffee, Hedeon leans into his chair, watching the blond agent preparing breakfast. "Good news. I slept like a baby after our little therapy session last night. Better news, I've got our plan ready." 

Noah pushes one bowl of cereal to the shirtless supersoldier, joining him on the table. "Alright. I don't bite. What's the plan, incredible shrinking asswipe?" 

Hedeon opens his mouth to explain the plan when they hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. 

Soon, a familiar archer walks in and salutes with a grin on her face. "Agent Kate Bishop at your service. I'm your friendly tech guy." 

After breakfast, Kate finds herself in Hedeon's bedroom where Hedeon begins to carefully sharpening his retractable sword. 

"So, you don't have anything to say?" Kate asks nervously, finding the supersoldier's silence unusual. 

"I'm still trying to process, okay?" He replies, and places his retractable sword aside to face the young archer. "You have to understand that this is Redroom we're after and it's a lot worse than Kingpin. It's like a suicide mission." 

"Barney, I know that you're mad at me..." She trails off. 

"Mad is not the emotion I'm feeling right now." Hedeon states. 


"Getting warmer." 

"I see." Kate mumbles with a frown, tracing the edge of her laptop. "Look, I understand what I'm getting into. I just want to at least help from afar." 

Hedeon sighs at the pouting archer. "Fine." 

Kate's head snaps towards the supersoldier with utter shock. "Fine? That's it?" 

"Yes. With one condition." Hedeon confirms, raising a finger to point out his condition and the young archer quickly nods her head, wanting him to continue. "I don't care how bad the situation is going to turn on me, I want you to run as fast as you can at the very first Red flag. Got it?" 

"Okay." Kate agrees and does a victory fist and tries to hold down her excitement when the supersoldier isn't looking. 

Noah walks in with long strides. "Put on a shirt, Hedeon. There's a lady present." 

"I've already seen him shirtless. Multiple times. All the time." Kate rambles, the excitement of her joining the mission getting the best of her but soon notices her words and sheepishly smiles. "Sorry, that came out very wrong." 

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