Chapter 23

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Akina fought against the ninjas from Sunagakure. She had heard from the Jonin that Orochimaru had his fingers in the pie. The Sunanins were only a means to an end and had started the attack when Sasuke was in the middle of his fight. Akina breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Kakashi had actually managed to do it.

However, she had to concentrate quickly and used her fireballs. She only used her katana when her opponents were close by. She didn't want to inflict much damage on them since they were only being used by Orochimaru. When several snakes attacked the village, a gray-haired man with a toad came to the rescue. Even though he was weird in their eyes, he was a very big help. The Ino-Shika-Cho team also helped and Akina used her fireballs which caught the snakes.

It was exhausting to get these big flames, because she usually used only smaller ones. Her opponents were usually only ninjas and not large animals. Akina didn't know how long they had to fight and protect the villagers. But for some reason the attacks stopped and the opponents retreated.

Later Akina learned the reason. The third Hokage had fallen and was trying everything to stop Orochimaru. The sky wept as the village gathered and they said goodbye to the fallen. Even though Akina did not know the men, it was sad to see how many there were.

Together with Sasuke she arrived at the apartment. Everyone went after his own thoughts. While the Uchiha thought about the new Hokage, Sasuke had his curse mark in his head. He had not yet forgotten the power of it. If Orochimaru could carry out such a plan, he could help him to more strength after all.

The next day, Akina learned that Naruto was searching for Tsunade Senju with the legendary Sanin Jiraiya. She would become the new Hokage and perhaps could heal Lee. Akina was confident that she could do it. It was perhaps noon as the Uchiha walked through the alleys. She had been looking for new clothes to no avail. Even though she still wore the Uchiha colors, she wanted something that would be lighter while fighting. She found the pants annoying and wanted a kind of fighting kimono which she could tie around herself. However, it was hard to find something like that.

When two men crept past her, Akina stopped. For a brief moment, she thought she sensed Itachi's chakra, but forgot about it. Why should he be here? But her eyes widened when she saw a flower blossom on the ground. With trembling hands she picked up the flower and felt a tear come to her eye. She had formed such flowers into a bracelet and given it to Itachi.

Quickly Akina searched the area. He was really here. Why hadn't she realized it before? Her legs carried her all over Konoha. For some reason, she could no longer feel his chakra and leaned against the wall of his house. The flower which she held tightly in her hands she pressed to her chest. "Itachi-Nii..." she whispered softly, hoping she would ever see him again.

"Who was that girl you put the flower to?", Kisame asked his team partner. "No one important," came Itachi emotionlessly, as usual. Kisame was already used to the Uchiha showing no emotion. However, he could see a small similarity to the girl. Itachi had seen his brother at the dango store and was relieved to see that he was okay. When he learned that Orochimaru had attacked the village, he had to get to Konoha as quickly as possible.

At first he wanted to get out of the way and not waste much time. But from afar, he could feel Akina's chakra. His heart contracted at that moment and he had to give her a sign that he was here. The flower would already show her what meaning it had. She had become beautiful even if he could only see her for a moment. Unfortunately, it resulted in Kakashi spotting him and having to fight him for a moment.

"You really don't want to tell me who that girl was?" asked Kisame again. "Like I said. No one important." Itachi didn't want him to know that his little sister was alive next to Sasuke. He wanted her to live a peaceful life, and from what he had seen, her eyes were still the same. She had kept her promise and did not use the Mangekyou Sharingan. However, he would continue to watch her and protect her if necessary.

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