She was then approached by a Dane woman her hair pulled back at the top of her head and braided in the sides, her eyes looked down on Yrsa with a patronising glare. "I am Brida, Ragnars woman. I heard you are the witches sister, and I am here to say that if you try to free her I will slit your throat. She has caused much pain to Uhtred and he needs her, for now."

Yrsa had grown tired and she had to remind herself that she was trespassing on their hospitality before speaking " I would like to say that I have no affection towards Skade. You will have no argument from me if you wish to inflict pain upon her and I understand she has most likely earned any punishment you wish to deliver". Brida nodded her acknowledgment before speaking "I admire that you do not yield. Please eat and drink your fill, I will not be unhospitable to a fellow Dane"

Yrsa turned her attention to her own party "Inga. Cian. please eat and drink your fill, I am aware this journey has been taxing and I appreciate your patience. I myself am going to sit outside with my ale, if you find me face down in the mud just drag me to bed" Cian chuckled. Just as Inga reached out for a large bone full of meat. Cians tone was jovial as he poked at Inga "You Do Ken that eating like a pig just may be one of the most unattractive things ye have ever done infront of me?". She grinned, her mouth full of meat."and do you 'ken' that I couldn't give a rats arse wether you think I am attractive?" her tone muffled by the sheer amount of food she had in her mouth.

Yrsa picked up her pitcher of ale and wandered out the hall, as she stepped outside she welcomed the cold chill of the nights air into her lungs. She trudged across the courtyard and climbed a set of stairs before settling on a lookout spot of the fort. Her thoughts were interrupted by a thick Irish voice "Dia duit a iompróidh (Hello she-bear)" She turned abruptly. She was suddenly face to face with the alluring irishman, His dark eyes tracing the features of her face with apprehension.

"You know what my name means in danish?" she responded her tone laced with surprise. "Well it's that or 'wild woman' and you remind me of a bear" he spoke with a lyrical lilt. "How so?" She snipped back. "Well for one, you look like you want to rip my face off" He joked.

"You make me uneasy witch, and I want to keep my eye on you. So what's the deal with you and creepy Skade over in that cage? Aren't you supposed to be sisters?" His tone was laced with intrigue.

"Why should I tell you anything Finan? You clearly hold something against me" Yrsa quipped back

He abruptly leaned his face close to hers and spoke in a taunting whisper "Well, I could go to Ragnar and say that I overheard you were plotting to help your sister escape, and pull that wee dagger out of your boot that you are trying so hard to hide infront of him." Yrsa's eyebrows raised in surprise as she noted that Finan was clearly in a constant state of alertness, and that she should be more wary of him. He continued "Or you could reassure me that I have no reason to suspect you of any plot"

She refuted and began talking reluctantly. "Skade was born after my mother died and my father took another woman. Her mother was a cruel woman, she taunted me and beat me often, and our brother was born soon after Skade. It was clear skade also held a gift from a young age, However I was fathers favourite. It was common knowledge Freyja had blessed me since birth. Skade's jealousy was fuelled by her mothers, it was stifling growing up and I am sure it made her slightly crazy."

"Surely that's not the sole reason for your coldness towards her though?" He inquired in his smooth Irish tone.

"No it's not. I had a friend as a child, Her name was Tora. She was as gentle as a summers breeze, she would give her food to the poor and her money to others freely. One day she spoke out against Skade, We must have been only 5 and 10 years at the time. Skade had become so motivated to hurt me that she cursed Tora out of spite. The next day Tora was found at the bottom of a cliff, Her neck broken. The villagers think she was trying to save a sheep who had got caught on a slightly lower ledge. I know Skade consulted with the three fates and cut Tora's lifeline. I will never forgive Skade, Tora was innocent. That's why I cannot stand to be around her " Yrsa's voice tightened as she spoke.

Yrsa continued her voice strained "I tried to kill Skade. I pulled a dagger in front of a gathering of villagers and tried to plunge it through her heart, I didn't even think, my hate was so visceral and strong. Skade's mother spun the story to my father Törsten and claimed I had gone mad in grief and jealousy over skade's growing power and that she was gaining the favour of the gods. My father was forced to exile me, believing his wife over his firstborn, So I travelled here." Finan only stared at her.

"That is why I cannot feel any affection for my so-called sister. I admire her ability to control men and the gods, but it will be her undoing and I will not be there to save her." Yrsa spoke in a sure tone.

"Skade is not family for you, to be sure.  Although I may trust you for now, don't expect me to cower before you , because you do not scare me Yrsa" he spoke firmly. "You are touched by something dark just like your sister, I see it hanging around you like a thick fog." He stood abruptly and turned on his heel, his foot steps heavy with annoyance as his silhouette faded into the darkness.

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