part 12 (return)

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1 week later

Yibo was so excited cause he was returning to China now. His flight was at 7:30am. He got up as early as 4am and got ready.

At 7:30 he boarded and his flight departed at 7:45am.

He reached Beijing airport at 10:00pm.

Yibo's parents came to pick him up. He did not tell zhan about his return as he wanted to surprise him.

Carman Lee hugged her son. Shen Xiao also showed some affection and hugged him.

Carman lee- welcome back son. And yea I don't care about anything else just win zhan's heart and bring his old self back because I miss his old self more than you.

Yibo narrowed his eyes and glared at his mom but chuckled at her excitement.

They all went back to their mansion and yibo decided to stay the night there then he will go meet zhan in the morning because he was too exhausted to do anything right now.

He slept at 12:00am.

In the morning

Yibo woke up at 7:00am and he was feeling refreshed. Now all he wanted to do was meet his zhanzhan.

He did his morning routine and went down to have breakfast.

Carman Lee made breakfast and the family of three started having their breakfast. Haikuan greeted his brother at night because he had to leave again this morning.

Carman lee- Sooooooo my dear son, I suppose you will go meet zhan now.

Shen xiao hai- yes ofc he will go meet him. You know he has to make zhan fall for him all over again and then propose to him.

Yibo was now getting embarrassed seeing his parents like this. How he hoped that no one knew about his feelings. But now it doesn't matter he just wants to meet his zhanzhan after two whole freakin years. Actually 2 yrs and 4 months.

They had their breakfast and now it was 8:30am. He decided to got out to meet zhan at his house.

Zhans penthouse

Zhan doesn't live with his parents anymore. He decided to move out when he turned 23.

It was friday today and as he decided to focus on himself more he will not take a holiday on both Saturday and Sunday.

Today (Friday) he woke up at 6:00am, did his morning routine, ate breakfast and left for his office.

He reached his office at 8:30am. He was walking in the building and all eyes were on him. Now no one can blame him he was looking so hot.

On Friday it was this thing in the company that everyone can wear what so ever they wanted. So people even showed up in pajamas.

Xiao mansion

Yibo reached there at 8:45 and rung the bell.

Lu Jian min and crystal Zhang welcomed yibo with a warm hug. Some tears escaped from crystals eyes as she loved yibo like her own child.

Crystal zhang- my baby you're back. Now you have to tell me how you were there.

Yibo- yes mom, it was great over there. I even topped the university.

Zhang- OMG yea I forgot to congratulate you about that. So.... Congratulations for topping your university and also making the world's most succesful company.

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