part 10 (going away-part2)

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It was the next day.

At 11am in the park

Yibo already arrived in the park and he was waiting for xiao zhan. He waited for 10 mins and saw xiao zhan coming towards him.

Xiao zhan- sorry yibo I got a bit late. Actually after yesterday's dinner I slept late and then woke up late.

Yibo- it's fine you were only 10 mins late not a big deal.

Xiao zhan- OK so you want to talk here or wanna go somewhere else.

Yibo brought his motorcycle and said- c'mon let's go on the bike I'll take you somewhere.

After 50 mins of driving they reached a beautiful and big mansion.

Zhan- OmG WoW who's mansion is this!!!????

Yibo- this is my mansion. My parents gifted me this a while ago.

Zhan- ohhhhh.

Yibo- lets go inside then we'll talk.

From the outside yibo was acting like his usual self but only he knows he is suffering so much because of an unknown feeling which he is having. He doesn't know what to call it but one thing that he knows for sure is that he doesn't want to leave xiao zhan alone.

They entered the mansion.
In the living room

Yibo- Zhan now listen to me carefully. I don't want you to react so soon. Listen to my whole explanation and then you'll talk. Promise?

Now zhan started getting worried because yibo told him a while ago that he wanted to be in a serious relationship. Did he find someone?

Zhan- o-ok I guess.

Yibo- so lemme tell you. You already know my dad wants me to manage 50% of their buisness. He said that he wants to give me the best education possible so that I can become successful in all ways. So my parents were getting conflicted feelings but in the end they decided that they'll be sending my abroad to continue my studies.

Zhan felt like breaking down at that moment but he promised yibo to listen to him fully so he suppressed his emotions and let yibo continue.

Yibo- so I'll continue my studies and then stay in America for a while to manage the branch over there. My dad promised me that he will let me come back.

Zhan started crying as soon as he heard everything. He broke down. The man that he loved so dearly will be leaving him? It's one sided love but yibo always treated him nicely. Will it just be over like this?

Yibo saw zhan's crying face and felt so bad. He immediately went to him and hug him and provided him with his warm embrace. Zhan just cried in yibos arms for 5 mins. And jerked yibo away a bit.

Zhan- so for how much time will you be gone and when are you leaving?

Yibo was looking down.

Yibo- I'll be gone for 4 years and about leaving......umm..ill be leaving to-tom-tomorrow.

Zhan started hitting Yibo's chest while crying out loud again.

Zhan- you could've at least told me sooner. And what about us moving together. Why the fuck did you make fake promises? You youself know it I was so excited to move in together. I mean of course youve known this for a long time now. At least you couldve told me.

Zhan was crying so much that he started painting while speaking. He wasn't able to breathe properly. Zhan was feeling angry and for some reason *betrayed*. But he wasn't his boyfriend or something to feel that but he loved him. Suddenly he blurted out smtg he never wanted to.

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