part 9 (going away)

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At wang Yibo's house

Carman Lee was in the kitchen making dinner for her family.

After she was done making dinner she called her husband and Wang yibo. Haikuan was not has home today.

Yibo and his father came down the stairs together and sat on the dining table. They started eating dinner peacefully. No one was saying anything.

Yibo wasn't the type to talk too much so him not saying anything wasn't unusual. But carman Lee and her husband Shen xiao hai weren't also speaking anything and it was an awkward silence throughout the dinner.

After finishing the dinner Yibo's father called him to the living room.

The three of them sat on the couch.

Shen xiao hai, "Yibo your mother and i have something important to talk about with you."

"We have discussed and thought about this matter a lot and finally came to this conclusion", said carman Lee.

Shen xiao hai," we are going to send you to America to persue your studies in the business administration. As you know you will have to inherit the company, I would like to provide you the best education. Yibo we've let you do everything you wanted to do throughout your life but just this time listen to us."

Yibo was expressionless.

Yibo," i m sorry but I cannot agree to this. I have my everything here. Friends, family and zhan. I cannot leave from here."

Carman Lee said, yibo I know you don't want to go even we don't want to send you but it's for your best. Just a matter of few years and eventually you'll come back. I m sorry son but you don't have any choice.

Carmen Lee had tears in her eyes while saying all of these things because she did not want her son to go gat away from her.

Yibo kept quiet and finally said, what about zhan? You know we are best friends. Regardless of our past he is still my most precious friend. How am I supposed to tell him plus he relies on me a lot. What am I supposed to do with that.

Carman Lee said, yibo I'll leave that for you to figure out. I know zhan and you have a really good friendship but he isn't your boyfriend right? He is your friend and I've seen you both rely on eachother very much. I want you to come out of your comfort zone and explore the world more and with zhan of course you can talk online.

Xiao hai said, yibo there's no point of arguing anymore please son just listen to us for once.

Yibo you'll leave at the end of this year and finish your last year of University in America.

Yibo was really mad at his parents. He  went to his room and slammed the door.

As he went into his room, someone was calling him. He really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now but as soon as he saw who was the caller, his face lit up. It was zhan.

On the call...

Yibo, what are you doing???

Nothing zhan. I just had dinner with my parents.

Oh ok..... Btw you know we discussed about this before if we can buy and apartment and move in there as roommates. Well I think it's a great idea let's move in. In our new academic session.

Yibo was happy zhan agreed but suddenly remembered be wouldn't be here anymore and leave after this academic session.

Ok zhan, he said. Let's move in together after finishing this session.

He knew he was lying to zhan and he did not want to do that but he wasn't ready to tell zhan about him leaving yet.

Ok byeee yibo i gtg.

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