chapter 9 Adrian vs Team JNPR

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As Adrian was fully trained and mastered his new ability the nuclear pulse as Adrian was finally ready to take down Pyrrha has every time you tried laying a blow on her she always deflected or dodged it and he was the one getting swept across the floor but today ends.

As Adrian was in the locker room getting ready for his battle with team JNPR as he was taking on a whole team as this time he was ready as he slotted all the pieces for his armor as he loaded his automatic guns on his arms and loaded his sniper and then grabbed his katana as the last piece of his armor was his helmet as the armor was specialized for him as most of his teammates had tails and were fitted for him and his comrades as there were bits of armor on his tail too.

As Adrian walked into the arena has Adrian saw a team JNPR as Jaune how did shielding his sword while nor had her hammer that was able to release explosives and turn into a grenade launcher as Ren had two machine guns with blades she for long rage and Close Quarters combat as of course Pyrrha Hatter shield and clean her spear that was able to be extended or can turn into a rifle including her semblance of magnetism.

But before it started Glynda stepped in and announced to everyone who was happening as of course team RWBY was there see Adrian.

Alright class I know you all are excited to battle each other so starting off is Adrian versus Team JNPR. Glynda said.

As team JNPR ready their weapons.

Okay here we go team. Jaune said.

I've been waiting for this! Nora said in excitement.

As Pyrrha saw Adrian across her as he was waiting for their mood first does he finally trained up for his new power and wanted to put it to the actual test.

And don't worry Adrian we'll go easy on you. Pyrrha said.

As Adrian had a flashback when Kai said those words

We'll go easy on you.

Has Adrian smiled to himself as this was his chance.

Fine then because I hope you're all are ready for what I have in store. Adrian replied.

Until Nora accidentally shot a round at him causing dust to kick up.

As team JNPR look to see Nora.

Sorry was it the time to shoot? Nora asked.

Yes, it was. Ren replied.

As the team prepare themselves as the Dust was finally clearing up.

Until they saw Adrian still standing after an explosion as he deflected the shot before hitting him as he slashed through the bullet before it hit him.

Until they saw Adrian still standing after an explosion as he deflected the shot before hitting him as he slashed through the bullet before it hit him

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