Part 67: Extended Training Montage

Start from the beginning

Hikage: And your agility and reaction has gotten better!

*As the two continue fighting with one another, another pair was doing the same in another part of the cube*

Imu: Whoo. *Readies her pole* Are you ready for round two?

Yozakura: Mhm. Yes I am. *Readies herself*

Imu: Then come at me with all you've got!

Yozakura: *Throwing a barrage of punches with her large metallic gauntlets*

Imu: *Quickly blocks each and every one of the strikes*

Yozakura POV: Shoot, she's too fast for me to simply fight head on. I need to play this smart. *Throws a punch*

Imu: *Blocks the strike* Hm, if it's for Miyabi's sake, I'll win this fight! *Strikes towards her with her pole*

Yozakura POV: Now's my chance! *Grabs the pole and pulls her closer towards her*

Imu POV: N-Not good!

Yozakura: Here's my chance! *Punches her in the face with her gauntlet*

Imu: Grk! *Spits out blood and is sent back flying and lands on her back*

Yozakura: Shoot! Uhh... Are you okay!?

Imu: Yeah! Of course I am! *Stands back up* But that kind of winded me- *Eyes go blank and falls out cold*

Yozakura: Oh dear! *Runs towards her and catches her*

Imu: *Wakes up slowly* Huh? Aren't we meant to be like enemies or something?

Yozakura: That's in the Shinobi world. Here, were just sparring partners.

Imu: I see... Well since we're not enemies I guess I can atleast do this. *Raises her head and pushes it into the bottom of her chest* Hehe~

Yozakura: *Blushes like hell* What the hell!? *Bonks Imu*

Imu: Ow...

*Back with Mike*

Mike: *Sighs* There... After 10 minutes I finally set up everything else...

Hibari: O-Okay, S-sorry we were so troublesome...

Mirai: Eh!? I wasn't troublesome at all!

Murasaki: You kind of are though... Your so loud...

Mike: Eh, it's fine. I've seen more troublesome people... But we'll talk about em at a later date.

Murasaki: Good... Because I'm still-

Mike: Nope. Sorry for what I'm about to do but, *Snatches Murasaki's pillow* I'll be keeping this until we're done.

Murasaki: Eh..? No fair... I still wanted to-

Mike: Sleep? Yeah that's gonna get ya killed 9 times outta 10 and that chance is hella likely like for real girl.

Hibari: I-I wonder what mine's gonna be-

Mike: I need to build up that courage of yours Hibari so expect to be get a hell of a fright today. *Chuckles*

Hibari: Eeeehhh... I don't like the sound of that...

Minori: What about me!? What's mine gonna be!

Mike: Your enthusiastic. But you'll see.

Minori: Awww man!!

Mirai: So? What about me? What's mine gonna be?

Mike: Uhhh... You'll see.

Mirai: I don't like the sound of that-

*Fast forward a bit later*

Mike: Alright Hibari, your up first. *Puts his hands together and makes a few signs*

*Mike's shadow then expands and then changes shape and form into a large looming figure standing over Mike before jumping up and landing infront of Hibari*

Hibari POV: *Looks up at the gigantic figure looming over her absolutely terrified* A-A-A-Ahhh... S-S-So big... S-S-So scary...

Mike: That's your first test. You need to be brave, you need to learn how to face what you are afraid of. You have to learn to trust yourself.

Hibari: *Looks at Mike* B-B-But what if I'm not..? W-what if I'm just not cut out for this..?

Mike: Then why do you do it in the first place? What is your motive in becoming a Shinobi in this world? What is your goal at all? Do you actually really wanna be a Shinobi at all?

Hibari: I-I-I...

Mike: You don't have to give me the answer. You have to give yourself the answer though. So ask yourself the question again, "What is your motive in becoming a Shinobi in this world? What is your goal at all? Do you actually really wanna be a Shinobi at all?"!?

Hibari POV: *Looks down and holds her head* Why I wanted to... I-I never wanted to! I-I Never wanted to do this... I-I just had to... F-for the name of my family! B-But why... why do I actually keep me going... Why do I keep going... It's always just so scary...

Mirai: She looks like she's having a goddamn existential crisis.

Mike: Your about to have one too.

Mirai: Wha-

Hibari POV: I wanna keep going... B-But not for my family, I-I wanna keep going because I don't want to disappoint all the people who believed in me! I wanna do this! Even if I still have a long way to go... I'll do it! *Looks at Mike with a big bright smile*

Mike: Hm? *Tilts his head and smiles* You finally got it?

Hibari: Yes! Yes you bet do! I'll do it! Even if it is scary! I'll be brave! I don't wanna push anyone down any further because of my incapability!

Mike: That's the spirit I was looking for! I thought it'd take a bit longer but what the hell!? The faster the better!

Hibari: *She looks back at the shadow figure* T-Take this! *She runs up to the figure and punches the figure in the chest*

*The figure then dematerialized and returned back to Mike as his shadow*

Hibari: H-Huh? What happened..?

Mike: Oh that's simple the whole thing was a test. The physical training comes later. I just need all of you to face your biggest weaknesses first before we get onto training.

Mirai: So there's no real training involved!?

Mike: Facing your weaknesses head on is training.

Murasaki: *Yawns* Yeah... I know... It's just so hard to resist sleeping...

Mike: Next up is Minori.

Minori: Woooo~!! Let's do this then! I'll show you what I can do then Sir Techno!

Mike: Don't call me sir. Mike or Techno is enough. I am not a fan of formalities.

Minori: Gotcha!

Mike: Alright. Let's continue on. Let's keep moving.

*As they continue Yagyū can be seen from a distance staring at Hibari*

Yagyū POV: I'm so proud that she's becoming more brave right now... She's so cute...

Mike: *Looks at Yagyū* Hm?

Yagyū: *Flinches slightly* Sorry, I'll head back to my group.

Mike: Oh? Uh, alright sure. Feel free to come by though if you feel concerned.

Yagyū: I will. But I know you are more than capable enough to do it.

Mike: Gotcha. *Looks back at the group* Alright let's get this training on the roll!

--------To be continued...

Eldrick: Author's note here I did not expect this story to go on for so long but here we are. I wanna finish this story soon so that the story I mentioned a bit back at the end of "Two Sides of the Same Coin" (Which you should read if you wanna read it) can finally be started on.

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