Part 65.5: Meanwhile...

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Mia: So you guys are named after... colors???

Orange: Uh, yeah. We are.

Mia: How... odd but also oddly cool. And then there's just this guy named Chosen One.

Chosen One: Ugh, it's so weird to have a name like this... It's even worse than being named after a color...

Green: Ain't that bad.

Blue: It's pretty bad though...

Red: It sure is pretty bad not gonna lie... So is-

Mia: Don't add fuel to the fire.

*A small black cat then crawls up and climbs onto Mia's shoulder*

Red: Huh, do you uh, own that cat Mia?

Mia: Oh? You mean Cynthia? *Picks the cat off of her shoulder* Yep. She's mine. She's the only constant good thing that happened in my life.

Yellow: That does not sound like healthy life to be completely honest to you.

Mia: Tell me about it. My life beforehand sucked like absolute hell...

Cynthia: But now I'm here with you~!

*Everyone then looked at Cynthia*

Cynthia: Eh? What? Is there something on my face?

Red: The cat can speak English??

Cynthia: Uhh... Meow?

Mia: *Facepalm* Well as you can see, Cynthia here can talk.

Red: That is... so cool... If only my pig can talk...

Mr. Oinker: Oink, Oink, Oink!!

Red: Sorry, sorry, Geez. I didn't mean it that way ya know.

Blue: So how exactly can your cat talk?

Mia: Well uh, you see, my cat is a uh... How do you say this? Catgirl??

Yellow: You mean those like... half girl half cat? The ones from like anime or comics or any form of written manga I suppose.

Mia: Yeah... Like that.

Chosen One: Do we believe her?

Green: I guess we can take her word for it. I mean we did see some crazy stuff in the past few weeks...

Chosen One: True... But I'm still slightly skeptical though. Can she transform?

Mia: She can, but the size of her clothes don't change...

Red: So that means by what your saying, if she transforms into her, "Catgirl" form, she's gonna be, well,

Yellow: Nope. Nope. *Turns away*

Mia: Eh, could have explained it better than that...

Cynthia: You really could have done so...

Orange: Uh guys, I just noticed, where is everyone?

Mia: When you mention it, really, where is everyone!? Did we get left behind or something!?

Red: Based on how long we were talking to ourselves, Probably.

Mia: Awwwwhhhh Damnit! I really wanted to go train with Reed and Roy! I wanted to see just how strong those two are! Mike really hyped em up for me!

Orange: Trust us, they are very strong. Like, really.

Chosen One: Mhm, I'll admit, they are, really powerful individuals.

Mia: But that's in this world, I wanna see how I'd fair against them. I know I'll lose but I wanna see the gap and atleast try to close it a little bit!

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