Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse

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Reed: Come on... Talk to me. You have to.

Asuka: I know that we need to participate to save my friends. But I can't afford to lose more friends.

Roy: Don't worry. We won't lose you. Now come on. Let's get back to the dojo


Reed: *Knocking on the door* Asuka? You there? Asuka? I'm coming in. You need to-

*The wind blows through the windows*

Reed: ROY!

Roy: Eh? What's wrong- Eh!? Where is she!?

Reed: I don't know! We have to- *Gets a phone call* Hello? I'm not in the mood to-

Yumi: Reed? You there?

Reed: Yumi? Why did you call so suddenly.

Yumi: Did you know Asuka left?

Reed: What the- where is she!?

Yumi: It's hard to explain.

Reed: Summarize it in 20 words or less. We don't have time.

Yumi: She merely explained that "There is no justice in the world of Shinobi the sword and the shield are nothing"

Reed: I see. I guess you fought after right?

Yumi: Yes.

Reed: I'll call you later. *Hangs up*

Roy: So, should we go on and look for her?

Reed: Maybe, maybe not. But it's not good for-

Mike: *Appears* I'm here to give you some advice. Give your friends sone time. She'll realize it soon enough and she will come back.

Reed: How do you know Mike?

Mike: That's you literally everyday in high school.


Mike: So are you.

Roy: OI!!!

Mike: And what Asuka said has some truth to it. The sword and shield are useless... Without a person to wield them. Reed, you act like a Shield. Roy, you act like a sword. Together you are the sword and the shield. It's not always easy to hold both weapons. It's hard for me to do it too. I just got used to it I guess.

Reed: I see.... I'll let her go on her own then. For now.

Roy: Me too. I hope the others agree too.

Mike: Don't worry, I told them too. They agreed to it beforehand.

Reed: Thanks Mike. For the advice right now.

Mike: No need to thank me. It's an everyday job for a hero. See ya later. And if you need anymore help, I guess you can call me. Don't give up by the way. *Vanishes*

Reed: If we're planning on saving our friends we can't just sit here and ponder our thoughts. We need to make sure the others are up to par.

Roy: So do we pull out the Space Chamber?

Reed: Yes. We must. If we want to have the best chance, this is our best option.

*At the Dojo*

Stickmen: *Fighting each other*

Rin: That's enough you six. You've done enough for today.

Orange: We can't. Not when something like this is going on.

Mr. Oinker:  Oink! Oink!

Red: This is more important than you think it is.

Blue: We need to be as strong as we can. Even if we suffer the consequences.

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