Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.

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Reed: Alright then. What're the rules?

Fubuki: Oh not rules really. It's merely a test for your strength and will.

Roy: Sounds like my kind of fight.

Fubuki: So now I would like to ask Asuka, are you sure you still want to fight me even though you know the truth.

Asuka: Of course.

Fubuki: I shall show you the truth of this world-

Reed: And we shall show the truth of our world too.

Orange: Alright time lets-

Reed: Sorry. It's just us three. You stay and watch us. I want a fair fight.

Roy: Even if the numbers are equal, the power is not. And so is skill.

Reed: Watch us as we defeat you. Asuka, you said you'll deal with Fubuki. You better keep that end of the bargain.

Asuka: I will.

Reed: Good. Now watch Fubuki. Watch as we dispatch your strongest warriors. And watch, as your dream crumbles under our feet. *Readies his fists*

Roy: You better use your full power right about now. *Readies his legs*

Gekkō: Fubuki, please stand back.

Senkō: We have learnt from our mistakes and we can handle the likes of them now.

Reed: We cannot afford to lose now. Prepare yourselves.

Gekkō & Senkō: Shinobi Transformation! *Transform*

Reed, Roy, & Asuka: *Activates all their Haki* We will defeat you.

*The 5 disperse into different locations*

Gekkō: You're a pretty big embarrassment being a Shinobi! *Fires multiple lasers*

Reed: *Pulls out a small knife* I think I'm pretty fine myself. *Flings the lasers away*

Gekkō: All conflict happens because good and evil exist! And that very conflict, breeds hatred!

Reed: *Dashes multiple times* Conflict cannot be avoided young one. You still have much to learn.

Gekkō: Oh yeah!? You chose to abandon true justice! *Throws a giant spinning shuriken*

Reed: Justice is subjective ya know? *Dodges*

Gekkō: You wouldn't understand! As your justice is wrong! A world full of only good with no black or white, no shadow no light, a place where everyone can be truly happy! We'll be the ones to create that world!

Reed: You're still wrong! If evil were to never exist, good will cease to exist as well! The same goes for good! If it doesn't exist so does evil! *Slams the Shuriken onto the ground*


Reed: It's obvious! The ying and yang are two sides if one doesn't exist the other wouldn't! Evil has to exist!

Gekkō: But that is what you think! No us! So you're wrong! Come forth, *Summons an animated puppet*

Reed: A puppet? Made of hayyyy... Roy, gimme some fire.

Roy: Here! *Throws a fireball made of hellfire*

Reed: *Grabs it* Let's go.

Gekkō: Get him!

*The puppet charges at Reed*

Reed: *Covers his fists with the flames* Sharkman Karate Flaming technique: Six Paths Of Destiny! *Punches the doll six times* May that be a lesson.

Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to ShinobiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant