Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)

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E-1: Hello there. If you have any ideas on how I can improve training montages in this series just comment and I'll definitely check em out.

*Back at the training cube*

*Yumi, Homura, Miyabi and Ikaruga can be seen going all out fighting one another in a separate area of the fine distant from everywhere else, using their various abilities and attacks to try and get the upper hand on one another as well as to learn new skills and to improve on the skills they already posses*

Yumi: Hmph, take this! *She raises her fans and creates a spike of ice infront of me*

Homura: Too slow! *She cuts through the ice and rushes towards Yumi*

Ikaruga: *Clashing with Miyabi* Your not all that bad afterall!

Miyabi: And I can say the same with you. Although I shall be the one who will prove to the strongest between all of us.

Homura: Huh!? Not a chance! *Swings at Miyabi*

Ikaruga: Don't be so reckless! *Moves out of the way*

Miyabi: Oh really? Then I'd like to see you try and keep up!

Yumi: *Swings her fans at Ikaruga*

Ikaruga: *Spins around and blocks them with her sword* Not a bad surprise attack.

Yumi: The same can be said about your skill with the blade.

*The 4 of them continue to fight, growing and improving every passing minute as they all seem to be neck a neck at one another until they all collapse out of exhaustion and fatigue*

Homura: Huh... How do we go about this then eh?

Miyabi: Well I was the last one that fell down, so I'm the winner.

Ikaruga: Well I fought the most so I think I won this one.

Yumi: Why don't us four just count this as a tie?

Homura: Huh!? No way! I'm not settling for a tie!

Miyabi: So will I.

Ikaruga: I have no complaints with a tie but it'll be difficult to convince them...

Yumi: Yes that is true. I suppose we can just continue on then. *Readies her fans*

Ikaruga: Yes. I think that would be fine. *Readies her sword*

Miyabi: Let's settle this. *Readies her sword*

Homura: Once and for all! *Readies her swords*

*The four of them then continue their bout and continue fighting until they fully run out of energy and fall out of exhaustion*

*Meanwhile on another part of the training cube*

Reed: So your paired with me Roy?

Roy: Mhm. Just like always. Paired up with each other even back in our high school days.

Reed: When you still were a jerk?

Roy: *Chuckles* Yeah. I guess that's a good way to tell how long it's been.

Yagyū: So what are we going to be doing?

Reed: Mike paired us 4 all up. So we can either do a free for all like what the leads are doing or-

Roy: Have a tournament, or-

Reed: Fight as duos.

Asuka: Hmmm... I think fighting as Duos will be much better. Doing a free for all and a tournament would just end up being you against Roy.

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