|Chapter 18|Why?|

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"Don t trust too much, don t love too much, don t hope too much, because that too much can hurt you so much."

"Young master, you haven't sleep for 3 days

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"Young master, you haven't sleep for 3 days. Let's call it in today too"

His servant, Ron came to him.

"She's not here too"

Three days since Cale last saw her, Amelia. Since the day of the confession, she didn't came back. She suddenly disappeared without any traces.

"I don't love you"

Her cold words echo in Cale's mind. If she really don't love him, why did she make such a regretful expression. Does she really don't love him? Is he hoping to hard? He didn't know.

Amelia is missing. Cale first priorities is ti find her and make sure she is safe. That's all matter to him.

"I'm sorry, young master! The princess was in a very bad mood, she didn't told me where she's going and left"

Her personal maid cries worryingly.

"But, i felt like the princess isn't not her own. She was filled with darkness..."

The maid mumbled.

"The book"

Cale thought about the book Amelia's was digging. He remembered Raon said that book has dark energy from it and he never felt it before.


"She's a dark mage?"

Eruhaben ask.

"I don't think so, she never do magic"

Cale said.

One thing that he most curious is, what is she thinking about now?


"I'm sorry"

A soft voice can be heard from a dark alley in the Henituse territory. Sweet but dangerous.

"W-who are you?! Get away from me!"

The scared man voice echo in the alley. Terrified, confused, helpless and trembled was written on the man's face. He was just finish drinking in a tavern, suddenly a shadow follow behind him.

Hunting him down.

"Come on, dear. We need more sacrifices..."

A terrifying voice came out.

"I know"

The soft mysterious voice says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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