|Chapter 3|My first dance|

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□Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness

"Kill you? Why would i kill you?"

'Huh? Calm down, (y/n). He's not going to do anything. He's a good guy'

["My name is amelia crossman. You're commander cale henituse, right?"]

'She can't talk?'

"Ah, yes. But i'm not the commander anymore"

["Still... you look so cool when you stab yourself with the dagger at the puzzle city war"]

"I just do what i want to do. By the way, your last name is crossman? Are you a royalty perhaps?"

Amelia nodded her head and patted the ground. She's telling cale that he should sit. Cale noticed it and sit beside her.

"I'm sorry, i'm a little bit rude. Your highness"

Amelia was shocked at the sudden apology and started to write down again.

["Its okay, young master cale"]

"Your highness looks really beautiful today but why didn't you go the ball? Also i never see you at official event either"

Amelia blush, no one ever called her pretty since she came this world.

["Thank you. It just i'm kinda scared what people will think of me"]


Cale started to frown.

["I guess you never heard rumor about me. In public eyes, they think i'm cursed cuz my mother is a black mage"]

"Black mage?"

["Yes. I was neglected by royal father. My brothers also didn't like me so much. I'm kinda lonely"]

Sribble... scribble...

["But sometimes, alberu oppa will give me some present. I was so happy. He treated me like his real sister. I thought it will be okay if i go congrats him for getting the throne"]

"His highness....no.... his majesty will be happy if-. Your highness?"


Cale got closer to her and he grabbed her shoulder. Amelia suddenly cried.

'I want to go back.... to my real world'

"Princess? Your highness? Are you okay?"

Amelia tried to calm herself down and cover her face with both of her hands. Cale who is beside her pattted her head. He ruffle through her hair to calmed her down.

She opened her face and started to write again.

["I didn't tell my attendant that i'm here. I'm in big trouble"]

"Ah, if you still want to see his-"

Amelia grab cale's sleeve and shake her head.

["No need but"]

'But? Can't you just write all the things you want to say to me all at once'

["I never dance before, can you be my first dance partner?"]


["Yeah! Ballroom dance looks fun"]

"Hmmmm... i got nothing to do so. Okay"

Amelia eyes started to sparkle. She grab cale's arm and stand up from her seat. Cale stood up with her. She intertwine her hand with his. And she started to smile.

Cale heart was beating fast and he had a deja vu feelings around her. His ears started to glow red.


Amelia let go of her hand and show cale one of her paper again.

["Lets do this♡"]

And they started to dance in the middle of the garden. Next to the garden is a fountain. There's a lot flower were planted around the garden.

<dang, i don't know how to write dancing stuff. So lets just say they dance😗👍>

They ended the dance by bowing at each other. Cale can see sparkles in amelia eyes. She got closer to him and started to bow.

["Thank you. This is a great experience for me"]

Cale patted amelia head and scratched his chin.


'Its been a long time since i feel like this. It would be more happier for me if i can go back to seoul'

'I can't go back...'

'I'm suppose to be dead...'

'But i got reincarnated here... why the god do this to me'


"Your highness? Are you okay?"

Amelia nodded at cale question. Even she is glad that she been reincarnated, but in the same time she felt something or someone isn't here.

'Am i really going to die alone and be forgotten forever'


"Hmm? Princess are you-"


'I don't want that. Its sound kinda scary'

Amelia shake her head to clear her head and take a deep breath. Cale started to frown at her.

'Whats up with this girl'

He then saw amelia put out another paper and showed to him.

["It would be nice if we can meet often. I really think you're kinda nice"]

"No. I'm not that kinda person"

["You can come to my palace to have some tea with me. You are welcomed to come"]

"I'll accept your invitation, your highness"

Before amelia could write something, she hear a familiar voice.


She flinched, her eyes was shaking. She's to afraid to greet back at the owner of the voice. But she then heard cale voice.

"Ah! Your majesty"

'You got to be kidding me'

Amelia turned back and now facing the owner of the voice. Its was roan kingdom sun and hope, also the new king of roan kingdom. The new patriach of crossman royal family.

'Its alberu oppa...'

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