|Chapter 2|Her dark past|

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the lilac stands for something different, such are the numerous associations of this flower. It's linked to domestic happiness, nostalgia, first young love, innocence and remembrance□

'Its already 2 years, huh?'

After that accident at the funeral, a lot of noble needs to pay fine for their behavior. The royal family warned them a lot too.

The news about the cursed princess got back to life again was a hot topic at the roan kingdom. A lot people was so scared of it. But the king already calm down his people about this issue.

He told them he already locked her up in the abandoned palace near the main palace. The palace was called shadow palace.

'Haaaa.... life at here is not great either. Evan though i'm a princess'

(Y/n) or now called princess amelia has found a lot of things about her during her 2 years stay at this palace.

First lets start about her past and how she ended up here? Well... her mother, the king's concubine was used to be the daughter of a viscount household. Who then later give birth to her.

They suspect her mother was a witch or maybe a black mage who has black mana. They decided to beheaded her but unfortunely she died during childbirth. She loss so much blood.

Amelia then raised inside the main palace just like other princesses. She has all the roan royal family bloodline have, clear blue eyes with shiny blond hair that is blessed by the sun god.

But she only lacking her family love. Since her mother was a witch, not a lot servant wants to served her. She was also neglected by his father, king zed crossman. Her other brother also always ignore her. The first prince, alberu crossman, she never seen him during her childhood memories because he is just like her. Being ignore by the king.

But unlike him, people don't care so much about him but people like to talk weird rumor about her. Calling her a bitch, an attention seeker, witch daughter and a lot more.

But after alberu became the crown prince, a lot people talk about him. His reputations is getting better. Unlike amelia who got kick out from the main palace at the age of 5. There was a misunderstanding between her and the third prince.

Since the king favours the third prince, he ordered amelia to move in to the shadow palace. There only a few servant with her and a lot of knight to guard her. The another reason she was imprisoned there was, she made a big fuss at a tea party.

"You should just die!"



She was mad at the girl and told her to die. Suddenly the girl fainted, nobody know the real reason to this incident. That was the proof, she has witch power in her body. (Y/n) heard this kinda rumor from the maids and some of them she found from amelia old diary.

'Haaaa... i want to die'

Two year of (y/n) year life's as amelia was so empty. She was so lonely. Evan the maids and butlers avoid contacts with her. Nobody dares to disobey her and talk to her.

'I can't believe the original flow of the novel has changed. The birth of hero. Rok soo favourite novel. I'm the side character little sister'

'There's a victory celebration today. The supreme comander cale henituse and his friends has killed a bastard called the white star'

'And today is my brother coronation to became the next king of the kingdom. I also heard the comander has become brother assistant'

'Cale henituse, the trash of the count family who got betten by the mc, choi han in the early chapter. Huh, its not my problem anyway'

'But, what am i doing here?!'

Swish! Swish!

'Huh?! I guess going to the main palace garden was a bad idea. I'm so stupid! Why the heck i get the idea wanting to congratulate my brother for getting the throne!'

"Ah! Why there's a person over here? A girl? You look so identical to his highness"


'Its cale henituse! Brother alberu sworn brother!'

"Miss? Are you okay?"


'Dammit! I forgot that i can't talk! Even its already 2 freaking years!'

Amelia took a paper and a pen from her partial pocket. And started to write.

[Please don't kill me! I'm begging you]

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