|Chapter 7|Bring her to the duchy|

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The five love languages are five different ways of expressing and receiving love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch

○The five love languages are five different ways of expressing and receiving love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch○

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The silent night has came to amelia's palace.


'I'm going to leave this shitty place'

Amelia, cale and the viscount has discuss about the escape.

'We have been prepared this for a week'

Amelia is at her bedroom balcony. Her bedroom is located at the third floor of te palace. Her bedroom was quite big, big bedroom for a princess like her.

'I wonder if alberu oppa's bedroom is larger than mine'



The cold wind at night make amelia's hair flew. The breeze was so relaxing. Its been a while since she felt like this. Since the weird potion accident, she was kinda scared to go out and she had a hard time to believe her own servant.


"Young lady, Your vitamin is here"

Amelia nodded her head.

In the mysterious diary she read, the original amelia crossman has drink some kind of weird vitamin since she was ten .
She didn't say anything about the vitamin, so she drink the vitamin so that no one will be suspisious of her.

Viscount louis was so suspisious of it so he took a little sample of it. It was quite shocked when she know that the vitamins she took is actually a potion that make you unable to speak for a long time.

"Who the hell give lia this thing every month!!"

Viscount gather all amelia's servant. And showing them the 'vitamin'. The servants was shocked and scared. Of couse everyone pointed at the maid that always give the 'vitamin' to her.

He then stabbed her in the chest using his sword infront of everyone.


"Vi...viscount! What are you doing?"

Amelia's attentdant grabbed the viscount shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you really sure that you're the attentdant? Do you even know what the hell are you doing"

He then pointed his sword at the attentdant.


[End flashback]


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