|Chapter 1|The hidden princess?|

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In the language of flowers, the bluebell is a symbol of humility, constancy, gratitude and everlasting love□

"I'm so sorry"


"Open your eyes..."


"Rok soo..."

(Y/n) stood up. She was laying on something soft. It was flower. White lilies. She was in a coffin actually. She look at her side. There's a lot people is watching her. All their eyes are shaking in fear.

'Huh? But i'm already dead? Who are this people?'

She was about to speak but suddenly...

"Kyahhh!!!! Her highness is a wake!"

"Impossible! I'm sure she's dead already"

"That means, the rumor about she's cursed is true?"

"This is bad! What should we do, your majesty?"

"Lock her up inside the lavender palace again and don't let her out"

"Yes, sir!"


The guards started to pull (y/n) out of her coffin and grab both of her hands. She tried to shout at them but.


'Huh? I can't speak!'




(Y/n) tried her best to speak but there's no luck.

"The princess is trying to speak!"

"Shit! Cover her mouth will ya!"

"Should it better to kill her off already?"

"Yeah! We're at a funeral anyway"

"Kill her!"

"Kill the bitch!"

"Kill her, she is no use on our kingdom!"

"Yes! The kingdom will be more peaceful without her!"

(Y/n) eyes was shaking. Her body started to hurt so bad. The guard was holding her to tight. Their eyes were full anger.


'I just wake up'

'Who are you and i'm no princess'

'Please....please....somebody.....anybody...i don't care if they are good or evil.... please save me!'


"C...crown p..p..prince!"

"Its the crown prince alberu!"

Alberu stand up and got closer to the king, zed crossman.

"You all called yourself a noble? How could you say that kinda word to amelia. Remember even she is cursed, she still have the roan kingdom no, the crossman royal family blood flows inside her"

The nobles and peoples inside the funeral stop gossiping.

"Father, amelia is part of the family. She's the princess of the kingdom. If they are looking down at her, aren't they looking down at us too?"

"Hmmm....you are right"

And then the second prince started to walk to king and talk to him as well.

"Yes, father. We should punish them for disrespecting the royal family"

The third prince who talk next to the second prince also talk to his father.

"Hmmm. I agree too!"

The king started to talk.

"Guards! hold every nobles that is looking down at us and making a fuss. Throw them to the jail!"

'Thank godness'

(Y/n) who was crying, started to smile again.

"You should thank me not to kill you, amelia"

The king started to walk at her.

"Remember we're doing this not for you but for the family. We can't let anyone betray us and weird rumor about us. You are such a worthless princess who can't talk properly and always doing things wrong"


"Now go! I don't want to see you again"

"Escort the princess please, guards"

"Yes, your highness and your majesty"


The guards started to walk with (y/n) side to side while holding both of her arm.

She look back at her so called 'family'.
She let of a sigh. And look foward again.


'I think its better you just killed me'

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