|Chapter 5|The Truth Untold|

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□While red rose symbolizes love and yellow symbolizes jealousy□



Amelia then shake off her hand from her 'uncle', then ran to cale.

"Wa...wait, your highness. There's thorn in the bushes!"

Amelia shaked her head and pull cale's hand. Then she saw red liquid at palm of his hand. Amelia started to panic. It was blood.



"Don't talk to much. People will hear you. Also you'll hurt your throat"


Amelia quickly close her mouth with her hand. She grab cale bloody hand.

"I'm okay. Its not hurt at all"

-Liar! You said it was hurt earlier

Amelia shaked her head and drag him into the palace.

~in the palace~

"Its all okay now. Thankfully it does leave a scar"

"Thank you, doctor"

"It been a while, viscount louis weinburgh"

"Yes, it is"

Viscount louis weinburgh

The name of the yellow hair and yellow eyes man. Amelia called him uncle.

"Lets go to a private place"

Cale suddenly flinch. After they got into the palace. The viscount has called a doctor to heal his hand. Amelia keep holding his hand untill he got healed.
Amelia then walk past her uncle with cale holding her hand.

They got into a private guest room, then a maid walk in then served them tea and some cookie.


Cale and amelia looked toward viscount louis. He was fake coughing.

"The two of you can let go your hands now"

They then let go their hand. Amelia was holding her hand meanwhile cale was covering his mouth with his hand.

"Amelia told me to tell you the truth since she trusted you and you saw all of... you know"

"I see..."


Amelia patted the long sofa that she was sitting right now. She wanted cale to sit next to her.


Cale then sit at the spot. Amelia then let out a small laugh and patted cale's head.

"Your highness, i'm okay. Please don't worry about it"


Amelia sighed at cale, then take a piece of paper and a pen infront of them. She then write.

["The wound was deep! I was so worry you know"]

["Lucky that you don't loss to much blood"]

["I'm happy that you're okay"]

After reading it, cale blush a little. The viscount can see the little blush on cale's ear. It was tint red.

'Are they flirting infront of me?'



The viscount rise his hand up to shut cale's mouth.

"First of all, my name is louis weinburgh. I'm a viscount from the weinburgh household. I'm lia's uncle. Veronica weinburgh little brother"

"I'm cale henituse from duke henituse household. Who's veronica?"

"Lia's biological mother"


"There's a lot rumor about veronica noona is a black mage. But she's actually not a black mage. She didn't even use dead mana. It was all a fake rumor"

Amelia nodded her head.

"The weinburgh family actually been blessed by god. And our power is a bit different from a normal person"


"Yes. But we don't known what god is it. Its been told to us since ancient time"

["The time when i accidently use my power on a rude girl"]

["It wasn't black magic, it was the weinburgh family magic"]

["It was weird at first, that why people's say it was black magic"]

'I read this in the diary. I'm so lucky'

"Your highness, you must be suffer a lot"


Amelia was suprise that cale suddenly patted her head. It was indeed she has suffered a lot but the original amelia has suffered more than her.

"Is there any ways to save the princess?"


'Why is this guy suddenly...."

Amelia's heart was beating so fast.

"I planned to bring her to our territory instead but since she's a royal... its a bit difficult. We don't know where to hid her"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! When lia missing, the royal family will go to our territory first. The weinburgh household. Since we're their so called 'in laws'."

"But you said that miss veronica was a concubine and the king don't care about the princess"

"Yes, its true but thats the former king but the new current king, decide to protect her"

"His majesty alberu crossman?"

"Yes. He seem to cared a lot about lia's doing"

The original plan was to help amelia escape the palace. But where should she go?

There was a long silence between everyone, then cale broke the silence by suggest something for them.

"How about i bring her highness to the henituse territory and hid her using disguise magic?"

"You think your family will accept some unknown woman to their household? Its impossible"

Amelia nodded her head.

["I'm okay, young master. We will think something else"]

Cale then gritted his teeth.


"Then i'll introduce them to her highness in a different way"

"What way?"

"Her highness will become my lover"

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