"No seconds?" I raised my eyebrows, playing along.

"Nope. It was right on the dot."

"I hate you both." Yoda sat at the table and crossed his arms.

I noticed Mobius sitting with his football buddies again, looking extra miserable.

I sighed and stood up, "I have to retrieve our new fourth."

"Good luck." Yoda shrugged, "He has become mute."

"Or maybe he doesn't like redheads." Sydney laughed.

Michael kicked her under the table.

I walked over to Mobius' table and tapped him on the shoulder, "So we're having a really important debate and I was hoping you would come sit with us to help defuse the situation? Please?"

He stared at me.

"Look, I am sorry for the awful things I said. I like that we're friends. I love it. You're a great genuine guy and I like it when you're around us." I ran my hands through my hair, "Please?"

He smirked and pointed to his cheek.


He pointed to his cheek again, sticking it up in the air.

"I'm not kissing you."

He shrugged and grabbed his stuff, "Worth a shot."

And the gang is repaired.

As they all joked around like I hadn't insulted them this weekend, I let my eyes linger on Scarlett Santoro.

Let me explain the cafeteria. It's huge. As soon as you walk through the double doors, you have the cafe. It's a small, carpeted area that only has 4 tables and is open from 7-9 am. Breakfast only.

The cafeteria is the big part. Too many tables to count. Flags from every country hanging on the ceiling. The whole right wall is lined with windows, staring out to the front parking lot.

The highest level of the jock patriarchy (yes, just like a high school movie) sits next to the windows. Not at the high tables, but at the long benches right next to them.

Cheerleaders closest to the outside doors. Football players in the middle. Baseball at the very end.

The other teams either sit with people besides their teammates (because they have lives outside of sports) or they're not in the cafeteria at all.

We sit three tables south of the cheerleaders, right next to the sea.

The Sea: The line of people leaving the dispensary.

The Dispensary: Where you get lunch.

The hole: Where you sit if you have no friends. I've never sat there and I don't plan to..

We have a straight shot view of the patriarchy since the Tennis team is so small.

I can look right at her without anyone noticing, because it looks like I'm looking right out those windows.

But Scarlett is good about people staring at her.

She can always tell.

She told me it's one of the best things about her. She has eyes everywhere.

So when her eyes met mine, I shouldn't have been shocked.

But I was.

I couldn't move or blink or breathe really.

We just stared at each other.

But as soon as it started, she looked away.

And I was stuck sitting there wondering if I had completely screwed up something that already wasn't going to happen.

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