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Okay, everyone I've got some very important stuff to discuss about this fanfic. Would y'all rather me go back and remake the chapters, keep the storyline the same and just take out the whole watching the movies thing. If so I have a few ideas in mind.


instead of having it be a Marauders watching the movies what if I had it be the Golden trio era watching them... Hear me out. Maybe they'll be around fourth and fifth year when watching all the way up. Maybe have some other characters join throughout the movies?


Just take out the whole watching the movies idea and have it be just a regular fanfic?


Other? Give me some suggestions.

Also I would probably be taking all the chapters down and just starting fresh so if you'd like to be tagged when it comes out again comment on this chapter or vote for it and I'll add you to the list so you'll know when the new version comes out.

(The chapter after this one will have some questions about character backgrounds if you chose for me to just restart from fresh no matter which idea you liked the best)

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