𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗄𝖾

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It's time for the students to head home. Good thing that all the students that had been petrified are all awake again in time to go home.

Clarissa skips down the hall and stops by where Tom is standing against the wall with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face. When he notices Claire he scoffs "why'd you ask to meet me?" He asks cocking a brow.

Clarissa smiles brightly at him. "I wanted to tell you goodbye before you left."

"That's kinda odd." Clarity mutters with an awkward smile.

"He's a Slytherin why does she talk to him so much?" A third year Gryffindor asks crossing her arms.

Tom rolls his eyes. "Why?"

Clarissa shrugs "like I said, I'm starting to like you a wee bit." She pinches her fingers together. "You've become... A great acquaintance."

The Slytherin boy stares at her for a moment. "You're a pain in my ass."

The girl awes. "That's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me."

"Don't get used to it." Tom mutters before walking away.

"Bye, Tommy!" Clarissa yells waving enthusiastically. She sighs before turning around and heading back towards Gryffindor common room.

She heads up to her room that she stays in during the summer. She sits down on her bed. Snowy hops up and lays down with her head on Claire's lap.

Clarissa smiles a little. "Hey girl. It's that time a year again." She says sounding a little down.

"I feel bad for her. It must be hell not having a home to go to durning the summer." Remus says shaking his head.

Clarissa bites her lip. She sighs "at least I'll be going to Cedric's house in a week."

Snowy barks quietly tilting her head. Claire squints her eyes "I get the feeling you understand me... Don't you?"

The dog barks again and the girl nods "that's... Cool?"

A week later

Clarissa runs up the stairs and runs straight to Cedric's bedroom. She slings the door open and in the bedroom Cedric lays fast asleep on his bed.

"Ceddy!" She squeals running over and hopping on top of the fifth year.

Cedric groans his eyes popping open. "Claire!" He chuckles tossing her to the side of him on the bed.

Clarissa laughs rolling over onto her side to face the older boy. Cedric does the same so he could face her. "Did you miss me?" The Gryffindor girl asks smiling widely.

"It's only been a week." Cedric whispers scrunching up his nose.

"So! I've been so bored during that week. Snape made me help him clean his classroom." Clarissa rolls her eyes at the thought.

"Oh? You poor thing." Cedric playfully says and Claire shoves his sholder.

"Are we sure they don't like each other?" Lily asks thinking there may be a slim chance that Cedric and Clarissa liked each other more then friends.

"I'm sure. I've seen Sirius and James act that way towards each other." Clarity says smirking slightly.

Remus laughs "so have I."

The scene changes to Claire and Cedric sitting in Cedric's backyard in a treehouse that was built a few summers ago.

"Do you think I'm weird?" Cedric suddenly asks as he stares out the treehouse window.

Clarissa looks away from the book she was reading. "What?"

The older boy sighs turning around to look at Claire. "Be honest with me, Clarissa... Do you think I'm weird o-- or too happy?"

Clarissa tilts her head in confusion. "Too happy? Why are you asking me this?"

"I just want to know if what they say is true. I'd believe it if it came from you. So please, Claire. Don't lie to me." Cedric says looking down at the ground.

"Ced... Look at me." Clarissa says and when the boy doesn't look up she sighs and stands up.

"I'm not gonna lie to you." She says walking over to him. "I think you're weird."

Cedric looks at her a frown on his face.

"He looks so sad. Why would she say that?" Amos asks forming a fist.

"But so am I. We can be weird together." She quickly added seeing the hurt look on Cedric's face. The boy's eyes brighten up a little.

Claire sighs "and you're not too happy. Now I want you to be the honest one and tell me what's got you thinking all that?"

Cedric huffs biting his lip. "You're gonna be mad. It's dumb and stupid."

"Ced, those both mean the same thing." Claire laughs a little. "But I won't be mad."

Cedric gives her an unsure look. "Okay... Just some Slytherins."

Claire raises an eyebrow. "Who?" She sternly asks. She waits for an answer.

"Tom... And a few of the boys that follow him around like a lost puppy." Cedric says and immediately regrets it when he sees the look of anger flash through Claire's eyes.

"Are you for real?!" She exclaims angrily. "Tom? Tom Riddle, I'll kill him. I- Ill make snake skin boots out of him."

Some people laugh finding her words funny while others did not.

"Claire you said you wouldn't get mad. I wish I didn't tell you."

Clarissa sighs shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Ceddy. I'm not mad... I promise."

Cedric nods "don't do anything to them when we get back to school, please." He crosses his arms "I don't need my best friend fighting my bully's. It's a little embarrassing."

"Fine. I won't say a word." She says clearly lying but Cedric didn't realize that.

The boy smiles. "That's Rissa. You're a great friend."

"I know."

"I hope they stay friends forever." Peter says smiling a little.

"Same." Mary nods.

The scene changes to Cedric and Clarissa both laying in their sleeping bags inside of the treehouse. The moonlight is the only thing keeping the inside lit up.

"We'll be friends forever... Right?" Clarissa asks rolling over to look at Cedric.

Cedric rolls over to face her. He nods "yeah. You're stuck with me, Rissa."

"Then you're stuck with me too, Ced."

𝖤𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋

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