Tom Riddle

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As soon as Dumbledore resumes the movie the scene changes to Clarissa and Snape arguing.

"You're failing potions."

Claire rolls her eyes "I just don't like potions anymore... It just doesn't hold my attention anymore."

"You used to get all good marks. That's what I expect from you is for you to get a least passing grades."

"I mean that's not too much to ask... To get passing grades." Clarity shrugs.

"I'll try better." Clarissa mumbles.

"I know you will because I've arranged for you to have a tutor."

The blue eyed girl glares at Snape. "Who?"

"Tom Riddle, he's the top of his class." Snape tells her causing her eyes to go wide.

Dumbledore sits up straight and eyes the screen.

"Tom Riddle as in the fourth year Slytherin who likes to pick on Cedric?"

Snape nods "yes. Now you are to meet him in the library after dinner."

With one last glare Clarissa leaves the room.

The scene changes to Clarissa walking into the library and walking to the back table. Minutes later a boy walks over and sits across from her.

"He's hot!" A forth year Slytherin yells.

"Tom." Clarissa says blandly.

The boy rolls his eyes. "Let's get this over with."

After five minutes Clarissa looks up from the potions book and sighs. "Why are you a jerk to Cedric... And just about everyone else?"

"Why do you do you care?" Asks the slytherin boy.

Clarissa rolls her eyes. "Because, Cedric is my best friend... and last year you punched him in the face and last week you broke his nose."

Amos's eyes widen. "That snake broke my sons nose?!"

"That's what the girl said!" Clairty yells

Tom smirks "yeah, that was fun."

Clarissa glares at him. "Fun? You're dick."

"Language, sweetheart." Lily mumbles while he marauders and Marlene smile proudly.

"A dick? Didn't know that word was in your vocabulary." Tom says looking up at the blue eyed girl.

Claire shrugs "its not. I usually just use the first word I think of."

"You know, your alright for a Gryffindor." Tom says. Clarissa smiles sarcastically.

"Why thank you. You're... Just a Slytherin."

Dumbedore stops the movie and informs everyone that they'd watch more tomorrow.

𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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