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After class, Clarissa hung around to talk to Lupin. She was dead set on finding out who her parents were. She had so many questions, such as who were they? What did they do for a living? Why did they abandon her...Did they not love her?

The Gryffindor girl approaches Remus and clears her throat. The professor turns his attention to her. His eyes widening slightly. "Professor... Could I ask you something?"

Lupin looks down at her with an unreasonable look on his face. "Is it about today's lesson?" He asks.

Clarissa shakes her head. "Erm... No sir. It's just--" she cuts herself off, trying to think of the best way to approach the situation.

She sighs "you came to Hogwarts the same time as Snape, correct?" She asks, nibbling on the inside of her cheeks, nervously.

The man nods, his jaw tightening waiting for Clarissa to carry on. "Did you happen to know who my parents might've been? I know it's a long shot. Chances are you didn't even know who they were..."

James, Sirius, Peter and Remus look at each other.

"Do you think he's gonna tell her?" Clarity asks, tilting her head.

"I hope so." Lily softly says, her eyes trained on the screen.

Professor Lupin sighs looking at her with sad eyes. "I knew your parents very well. They were good friends of mine."

Clarissa smiles and looks at him full of hope. "Amazing! Could you tell me who they were? What was their names?"

"I'm sorry." Lupin shakes his head. "I would love to tell you everything you want to know... But I can't."

The girl glares at him as her smile disappears. "Unbelievable." She mutters before heading to the door to leave.

"Clarissa." Lupin calls out after her.

Claire stops and keeps her back facing the man. He sighs "They loved you so much. They really did." He says.

Tears fill Clarissa's eyes and she slowly nods. "Yeah... Minnie said that too." She mumbles before leaving the classroom.

Remus shakes his head. "I made her cry." He says ashamed of himself.

"You didn't make her cry, Remus." Lily assures him. "She just wants answers."

"And bloody nobody will give them to her." Marlene scoffs rolling her eyes.

Later that night Clarissa is sitting in the astronomy tower, looking up at the stars. Her arms are propped up on the railing and she has her chin resting on top of them.

Footsteps approaching causes her to look over. She rolls her eyes seeing one of the Slytherin boys.

The boy however smirks seeing her. "Clarissa, right?" He asks walking closer.

Claire nods. "Yep, you are?"

"Lorenzo Berkshire." The boy responds as he sits down a few feet from her.

"Ah, Enzo." Claire chuckles.

"Oh, so you've heard of me?" Enzo proudly asks.

"You could say that." Claire shrugs moving her eyes back up to look at the stars.

Enzo looks up for a few seconds before glancing over at her. "Why are you up here?"

Claire looks over at him and raises a brow. "Why are you up here?" She shoots back, titling her head.

The Slytherin boy shrugs. "I like looking at stars."

"See, there you go. You answered your own question." Clarissa sarcastically claps her hands.

End of chapter

I literally had no idea where to go with this chapter but the next chapter will probably be a bit longer.

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