25 Anxiety

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As the week dragged on, the opening day of the Court Season was only a few days away and everyone was beginning to stress out about the upcoming arrival of Court members. Including myself.
I had no idea how to host Court and I was beginning to stress that the Ladies here would not have much to do since so much of the Manor was still under construction.
My first night here, when Emris had invited me to dine with him and then ignored me. No one had really spoken to me and I was only seen in the company of Emris, Hali or Niko. Emris has made it clear that I was to receive the Court member for dinner tonight. It was expected of me now, as Lady of Azga.
No one, not even Emris, had told me what that all entails.
All Lords and Ladies were expected to arrive, if only to get a glance at the Prince's new Wife. I wasnt looking forward to being stared and gawked at all night. Or all week. I didn't know these people and I didn't care to. I'd rather just spend my days in the woods, throwing daggers. Or out riding with Emris.
It was something I had been longing for but Emris had other plans. He had more tailors and jewelers consistently making me dresses, shoes, jewelry. I had been sitting in my room going through fabrics for hours now.
My mind was else where at the moment. Emris had said he wanted to Mark me. Bind me to him.
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I wasn't sure what he meant. He said he would bite me? Why would he want to do that? I shuddered at the thought. I wasn't a big fan of pain. I didn't want to be put into a situation where I wouldn't be able to give Emris what he wanted. He had already done so much for me.
I felt like I owed him. Not in a negative way. He saved me. In every way a person can be saved. He had freed me from Hiram and rescued me from a life that have eventually would have killed me. The more time I spent with him, the more attached I became, the more I needed him. I wished he understood that. It wasn't something I could just tell him in conversation. Besides, I only ever saw him during meals anymore. We were both extremely busy. Dinner tonight was supposed to be a beautiful, extravagant and luxurious affair. As I sat at my vanity table gazing at the dark haired stranger staring back at me I began to wonder if I was even up for this.
Emris had insisted I looked my very best when he presented me to his Court. Wives came and went for Warlock Demons. I wasn't supposed to be any different.
Only I was.
Everyone expected me to die in less then two years. I was expected to birth his Mortal child to continue help running Azga as a Lord. A contribution to society. But Emris had insisted that he had a plan to help save me from that... only his plan didn't really include saving me. I wasn't Mortal. I was immortal... or was I?
I had never questioned it before today but I didn't know anything about my own mortality. Or immortality. And I had let myself feel for Emris. I had let myself care for him. I had let myself get emotionally involved and attached. I sighed. Even Emris said he didn't plan on feeling. We had agreed that our individual feeling were irrelevant due to our situation. But hadn't the situation changed? Since I was a Moonblood.
As was my brother.
We were the last of our kind. We were the last Moonbloods. After we died- when we died, the Moonbloods would cease to exist. A whole race gone. Because of the Hunters and or the people of Azga. The Lords and Ladies would not take it to kindly when they discovered who and what I was. We were dangerous for a reason. But if Emris had planned it this way, why didn't he tell me? Perhaps he knew that a war would break out over this impossible situation and he was banking on that. If so, why go through all the trouble of marrying me if his father was going to die anyway? Emris would be King soon enough. What was the point? Perhaps I would die! I was still half Mortal after all. I could move things with my mind because of my Moonblood heritage. All Emris had to do was wait me out. He was immortal. I would die sooner or later. And would live for millennia to come. If he waited long enough, the blood line of the Moonblood Witches would die out over time. There were only two of us left, after all.
I wished I knew more about my father. King Ambrose Crane had only ruled for three years before I was born. My mother had died and no one seemed to know much about her. If I knew more about either of them, perhaps I could determine if I was immortal or not. My hand unconsciously reached for my head, to the spot I had struck my head on the pavement.
The wound had healed in minutes. Nothing was impossible. I could die from a wound, a sickness. Poison. A strike to the head. Simple.
My thought shifted back to Emris as a feeling of peace came over me. I closed my eyes and sighed.
It was getting dark out.
This would be my last privet dinner in a long time since Court Season started tomorrow. "It's getting late, Princess, would you like to dress for the evening?"
I looked down at the white and pink silk, floral dress the tailor had dressed me in today and wrinkled my nose. White and pink were not really my color. "Yes, Hali," I said and stood to my feet. The Maids and Servents  all  stood and began cleaning as I walked to the door of my bedroom. They had all cleared the room and talking everything with them in the time it took me to stand and walk to the door of the bathroom. "Look for something... flattering," I said.
Hali raised an eyebrow at me. "Flattering, Princess?" she asked me confused. I nodded, feeling suddenly out on the spot. "Yes," I sighed. "You know... flattering. Something to keep the Prince's attentions!"
Yesmina had decided to stay at Court when Graven had been called away to the Capital. He wasn't expected to return until after the arrival of Court members. He mentioned bringing Knox back with him. Hali hesitated. "What is it?"
She bowed her head quickly. "I'm sorry, Princess," she said quickly and began folding the sheets bon my bed. "It's nothing."
I sighed and stood to my feet. "Hali." I waited for her to answer.
She sighed. "You do not need to keep the Princes attention, Your Majesty. He seemed quite taken with you already from what I have seen."
I shook my head. "He said he wants to Mark me," I said thoughtfully. "What does that mean?"
Hali but her lip. "Far be for me to presume but have you seen the way he looks at you, Princess?"
I felt my face go blank. "What do you mean?"
Hali folded her hands uncomfortably. I shook my head. "Please, Hali, speak freely."
She cheered her lip for a moment, considering her answer. "Niko tells me whenever he observes you two together, Prince Emris is very attentive."
I shook my head. "I am his wife," I reminded her. Hali shook her head.
"It's more then that, Princess," she insisted. "I dare say the Prince has fallen for you-"
I set the brush down I had been holding and walked to mirror. "Don't be silly, Hali," I said feeling suddenly off balance and unsure. Wouldn't I have noticed? The only reason why Emris was so attentive was because he was my husband. 
Hali was saying that Emris loved me? But how? When?
Sure, he had promised to keep me safe, protect me. I was the his wife. Was that not his duty? Hali bowed her head quickly.
"I'm sorry, Princess, I didn't mean to be so forward- I could be wrong-"
I shook my head. Doubt filled me.
"I doubt that, Hali."

Moonbloods Season One: The High Warlocks Wife Where stories live. Discover now