15 The Prince and The King

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Emris did not try to take my hand or even touch me as we walked side by side down the hallway. Maids and sevens passed us as we walked through the castle. The walls were draped with beautifully made tapestries and paintings, banners and wall mounts. Colors of pale blue and silver covered the floors in lush carpets and banners, tablecloths and furniture. Stain-glass windows lines either side of the hall, giving the hallway an odd glow with the pale moonlight outside. "You have never been to the Capitol?" he asked me.
I shook my head, my feet dragging to a stop as I stared out the window, my breath leaving me in an astonished gasp. Emris laughed as he watched me, following my gaze.
The moon was huge. Massive even. The biggest I had ever seen. Emris laughed. "It's just the moon, Love," he said as he stopped beside me, standing so close to me that I could feel his body heat radiating from his tall frame.
"I've never seen it before," I admitted. Summer Crest saw plenty of sun and stars but never a moon. "We aren't able to see it in Summer Crest because of weather."
Emris nodded. "Because of the fog," he agreed. "There is a reason why we call this place Star Hill."
I nodded, not failing to notice how his hands wandered to my waist. The room around me seemed to shimmer and my heart thrummed to life inside me. "Emris-"
His lips were at my ear. "You have magic," he whispered in my ear. I leaned into him as his grabbed my waist, pulling me back against him.
"Breath..." his lips brushed against my ear. "See the skies for what they are." His voice was low, deep and raising chills on my skin. His fingers tightened around my hips as he pulled me closer against his chest. As my breath matched his and I stared up at the brightly lit skies, I watched as swirls of pinks and purples and reds appeared in the skies, glowing with constellations and moons I'd never seen before.
"Emris..." his name left my lips as he brushed my hair aside and over my shoulder. Running his fingers through my still damp hair, Emris loosened my hair down my back to my waist. At the sound of my voice, he sighed, dropping his hands back to his sides. I wasn't sure what made me do it- Perhaps it was because he wasn't touching me anymore- but I felt my body turn and my hands gripped his arms, holding myself steady.
It was odd. When we'd first met I feared his touch, despised the thought of  him touching me, feared it even.
Now, however, I longed for his touch. Yearned  for it even. But how could I tell him all of that? How could I explain that I wanted him to hold me. That I longed for his strong hands around me, keeping me together, keeping me from breaking apart. It was like he knew how to keep me from falling apart. He knew where the breaks and fractures were and knew how just to piece me back together. I watched his eyes brighten with an internal glow.
"Nalia... your lips are white," he whispered. "Breath!" I sucked in a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I watched a smile form on his lips as he stepped closer, his hands gripping my waist.
"Emris wait-" I couldn't stop him from pulling me in, his face burrowing into the side of my neck. My body felt oddly tense and relaxed at the same time. His hot breath washed against my neck and chest. "Emris-"
He growled, something sharp glancing across my arm and waist where his fingers gripped me. The butterflies were back, their sharp wings were beating away and shredding  the inside of my chest.
"I feel like you have bewitched me," he whispered, his nose gliding up my jaw. I shuddered in his arms, a gasp leaving my lips. My eyes flew open when his lips glanced across my neck and my hands turned hard, ready to shove him away. A wild breath left his lips as he noticed the change in my body but he pressed forward, pushing me back against the wall. All the while his lips moved across my skin, nipping and gliding, warm and gentle and carful as his hands slowly moved upward. Uneasiness washed through me quickly followed by longing. I was able to know that the anxiety was me and the longing, the hot yearning was Emris. "Emris, wait!"
My voice came out a whisper. His hands stopped on my torso; one hand at the front of my waist the other just under my breast. His breathing was ragged against my skin. His impatience washed through me as he slowly dropped his hands back to his sides. I tightened my fingers around his wrist, keeping my skin pressed to his. I turned to face him now, his face having gone frustrated and closed off. He cleared his throat.
"We should be on our way," he said. "The King awaits."
I sighed, a shuddering breath leaving me. Longing washed through me and I dropped his hand. How could he be angry right now? He killed Hiram for what he had done. Did he think that would fix everything? I questioned that for a moment. Should it change everything? The person who had harmed me was dead. Gone. Never able to harm me ever again. Hiram was just a bad memory that I had locked in a box and shoved as far away from my mind as I could. I hadn't been able to enjoy physical contact in so long that I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was right when Emris touched me. It was odd. The immediate loss of his warmth washed through me, leaving me feeling hallow and I let my hands drop to my sides. "Why is everything so vivid?" I asked him.
Emris smiled. "You have questions," he teased me. "We can talk at dinner. Let's go see my father and then we will dine."
Emris didn't offer me his hand like I wished he would. Emris led the way down the hallway and I trailed a step behind him. "He may be sleeping."
I shook my head. "The healers have done all they can?" I asked him in a low voice. Emris looked down at me. His face had gone remorseful. "I know this is not what you wanted," he said. "The possibility of my father passing is more real then anyone else wishes to admit. He has been sick before, but not like this."
I shook my head. "What is it that has him so sick?" I asked him. "I thought immortals were immune to sickness and anything that could easily kill a mortal?"
Emris nodded and jogged up some stairs, reaching back, seemingly out of habit to grip my hand. "We are," he assured me. "However my father is very old and has brokered many deals with many demons for the sake of his people. Protection during the great wars. It takes a role on the body."
I watched his eyes become unfamiliar and unfocused as he stopped by a white door. "Emris?"
He blinked and looked down at me. "I'm fine," he assured me and reached to push the door open. He didn't give me a chance to protest as he reached for my hand and pulled me through the door.  Inside, the room was dimly lit, a single bed draped in green and blue bedding and drape, the curtains on the double, hand carved four poster bed and in the bed lai a slumped figure. I felt his fingers tighten around my wrist as he stopped.
"Father." Emris' voice was low as he bowed, bending down to one knee. "I've returned from the North, Father."
King Alistor coughed and looked around the room, his eyes landing on me. "Is this her?" he demanded.
I looked between them and then stepped forward hesitantly. I curtsied and lowered my head. "You Majesty."
I felt a wave of pride wash through me and watched as Emris fold his arms behind his back. "My Lady Wife, the Princess Nalia Halcro."
King Alistor glared at me. "You have already wed?" he demanded in a scratchy voice. "Are you will child, woman?"
Emris growled lowly beside me. "Respect is called for here, old man!" he hissed.
I cleared my throat. "No, your Majesty," I said as clearly as I could. Emris turned to look at me now. "We are yet to be wed."
Alistor, his pale skin and dim eyes zeroed in on me. "She looks to skinny!" He said and sat up. He waved at my hands. "And she is deformed!"
I looked down at my wrist , the ugly red scars standing out against my pale skin. "She is perfect, father," Emris assured him. "And she will be with child very soon."
I felt my heart sink as I looked up at him. Emris refused to look at me and there was some kind of mental wall between us now. King Alistor
How soon did he think that was going to happen? Not at all if I could help it. I pulled my hand from his grip, and walked toward the King.
"Gods willing, Your Majesty," I agreed, doing my best to sound upbeat and sincere. Alistor laughed, his chest rumbling with coughing laughter. "You had better have a boy!" Alistor spat at me. "I will kill your entire line if you give birth to anything else but a boy."
Before I could think of what to say, reassurance washed through me.
Ignore him, Emris whispered in my mind. You are protected. You have my word.
I felt myself relax a little bit I knew how little his word could mean. Emris was not obligated to me and I knew he had other marriage proposals much, much higher standings then my family. But then I remembered what he had said. Who I really was. If anyone uncovered that dangerous truth it would be my death.I forced the thought from my mind and forced a smile on my face. "Of course I will do my best to give his Majesty a grandson," I said as I lowered my head respectfully.
King Alistor scoffed at me. "The Lady Yesmina said she was used already?" he demanded. "Is there any truth to that?"
There was a moment of silence as Emris stared at his father who was leaned back in his soft pillows, wheezing for air. "Well, speak!"
Emris turned to look at me. "We are leaving," he said. "My father is not well-"
King Alistor raised himself feebly from his pillows. "Don't disrespect me, boy I am still your king!"
Emirs nodded. "And the day we are all rid of you will be a joyful one!" Emris spit as he wrapped his arm around my back and guided me back to the door.
"I don't understand- why is he so angry?" I demanded.
Alistor coughed hard, his breathing rapidly increasing as he gaged for air. "I will send in the Healers," Emris said and held the door open for me. As I followed Emris back out into the hall, Healers and Maid servants hurried in after us.
"It's nothing to do with you," he assured me. "My father has been bugging me for an heir for the last five years. He will get one when we are ready."
I felt my heart prick in my chest. I felt myself go numb as I realized I wouldn't live to see my child. Or would I ? Mortals were not designed to birth Dark Fey children. But I was not Mortal Woman. Something in the biological make of or our blood. I was half Dark Fey, a Moonblood. When Emris was attempting to do had never been done before. I was considered one of the most powerful hybrids in all the demonic worlds. "I'd rather you didn't speak to me of such things," I told him in a low voice. "I won't have much of a life once I become pregnant. My aunt told me what to expect."
Emris didn't answer right away and I felt reluctance wash through me.
"I upset you," he realized.
I shook my, knowing I'd never be able to explain it to him. "I'm fine."
He didn't look convinced but offered me his arm anyway. "Are you hungry?" he asked me.
I nodded and took his arm. His smell filled me as we walked back the way we had come, passing the darkened hallway he had pulled me into before.
"Will the Healers be able to help your father?" I asked him in a low voice. Emris sighed.
"I'd rather not speak of him, if you don't mind. My father is not really loved around here."
I glanced behind my shoulder when I herd Alistor shouting from the closed door behind us. "That's unfortunate," I said.
Emris laughed. "Why?" he asked me. "There is no love lost between me or my father."
Even though I didn't know Alistor it still filled me with sadness that his relationship with his father was so strained. "Don't feel that way," Emris said as he raised an arm and draped it across my shoulders. "It bothers me not that he may die."
I didn't agree or understand but I also didn't l know much of his relationship with us father. "Enough talk of him," Emris said as his arm tightened around my waist. "Let's eat!"

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