18 Brightwood

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I stared down at the dirty bath water as the bubbles in my bath slowly disappeared. I had watched the clear warm water turn a murky brown. I had a lot to think about.
I was the last of the Crast line.
King Ambrose Crast was my father.
Only Crast wasn't my family name.
It was Ellingboe.
Hiram did his best to keep me isolated so I didn't get the proper education I should have.
What if Emris suddenly had a change of heart? What if he decides that killing me would be better then keeping me alive. What if he decides he didn't want an immortal wife? Emris didn't strike me as a very decisive individual. My heart sank a little. Would he kill me? I chewed my lip, wishing I knew what was to come. Only one way to find out.
"I'm done, Hali," I said and pulled myself up and out of the tub.
Hali helped me into the forest green dress that Emris had given me before he left me in one of upstairs bedroom of Brightwood to clean up and relax. I stared at myself in the mirror as Hali did my hair.
Adorned with moss and twigs, my hair was French braided down the middle of my back. The ring Emris had gifted me gleamed at my finger, sticking out in the gloomy ambiance of the bedroom. I glanced up, looking up through the stain glass window that covered the ceiling of my bedroom. I took a breath through my nose and closed my eyes. There was a loud knock at my door. "Enter."
Niko opened the door. "Prince Emris, your Majesty."
"Leave us," Emris said as he walked into the room. Hali and Niko left the room in a hurry and closed the door behind them.
"There is a tied coming in," he told me. I raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
He smirked at me. "I mean we leave immediately after the ceremony."
I felt my hear sink. So I wouldn't get to spend time with Jon. Emris frowned. "What is it?" he asked me.
"Are you haveing second thoughts?"
I looked up at him, his face curious, worried. I shook my head quickly.
"No, I am not having second thoughts, Emris," I assured him and sighed. "I was just hoping Jon would be able to come with us-"
Emris shook his head. "You brother never arrived," he informed me.
I stared at him, confused for a moment. "So he didn't come?" I asked. Emris handed me a scroll.
"We received word that he left Summer Crest but no one has seen him since."
I felt my heart sink. "How long has it been?" I asked him. "How many days?"
He didn't answer and I felt my heart sink. "Tell me," I pleaded.
Emris sighed. "Eight days."
I closed my eyes to keep from crying. "I already have my men looking for him and more on the way," he assured me.
I shook my head. "Why would you do that?" I asked him.
Emris smiled a gentle smile. "You are my wife," he reminded me and my heart fluttered in my chest.,
"What is mine is yours," he said and held out his hand. "You look beautiful."
I looked down at the lush green dress and nodded. "It is beautiful," I told him. "But I wish I had my mothers."
Emris pursed his lips. "I assume it's back in Summer Crest?" he asked me. I nodded. "If Hiram or Gracie didn't sell it all off."
Emris nodded. "Then we shall be off to Sunmer Creat to get your dress and check on your brother-"
I reached forward, gripping his wrist. Emris looked down at me, his face unreadable.
"Emris, my brother is Lord of Summer Crest now... he may forever be a Crast... I know he hates that he is associated with the name after what Hiram did."
Emris nodded. "Yes," he agreed rather sullenly. "There is quite a bit of damage controle to do there. Damn Hiram for doing this."
I sighed. "We can't do anything about it now. It's out there... the one secret I want to keep safe is the one that matters!"
Emris smirked. He understood my meaning. "You're learning," he praised me. I smiled.
"I am learning from the best," I reminded him. Emris held out a hand and helped me from my chair.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" he asked me as he looked me up and down. Emris stepped closer, his hand wandering to my hip. I gripped his wrist in protest- mostly out of habit- but he jerked me forward, causing me to crash into his chest.
"Many men will be jealous of my bride," he whispered.
I scoffed softly. "I seriously doubt that, Emris," I told him.
He smirked at me, that beautiful, breathtaking side- smirk of his.
"You can't see yourself, can you?" he asked me.
I blinked. What was he talking about? See myself? What did that mean? Emris pulled me closer, his arms wrapping around me.
"I know you have your doubts... but I don't want you to ever doubt me," he whispered in a low voice.
My heart fluttered. "Emris-"
He ran his finger along my lower lip. "I am completely devoted to you, Nalia," he whispered in a low voice. I closed my eyes, trying to remember to breath. "I am yours."
My chest felt like a ballon that was swelling inside, making it impossible to breath. I was to shocked to form words. I figured Emris cared for me at least a little... but I hadn't been expecting him to declare himself to me like this. Or at all. I was to stunned to speak. Emris hesitated, his eyes locked on my lips as he traced a finger over my lips slowly. His other hand held me to him. My chest felt like it may burst. He must have been feeling this same, odd painful feel good throbbing in my chest. It was hard to breath. I knew he could feel all I could. His breathing and the tightening of his fingers around my neck cause an odd gasping sound to erupt from my lips. It didn't hurt. It actually felt present. What the hell was wrong with me? My fingers gripped at his shirt, pulling him against me. Emris groaned as his body melted against mine for a moment. His breath fanned against my mouth and then his lips came down over mine, a soft, satisfied groan passing his lips.
I was up off the floor and in his arms, his lips moving with mine in urgent, almost impatient movements. I didn't recognize myself. Who was I right now and what had Emris done to me? My heart was hammering away against my chest when he pulled away. His rapid breathing warmed my face and chest. He sighed in content.
"Let's get married, my Queen."
I smiled a wide smile and hugged myself closer to him. I knew as long as Emris was by my side I would be safe. As long as we were together, I would be alright.

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