Friends From All Ages

111 9 2

( Minor Family Compound)

They signed the contract, well rather Pete signed it and send it to Vegas with Kim a day after Vegas learned everything and Vegas signed it too knowing he might regret it one day but he still couldn't get over his pride.

He can't believe the person who he thought will be the love of his life is dead and replaced by someone he enjoy- no someone he like- no, no Vegas does not like him or enjoy being with him, he is a liar, a scammer and very greedy.

He sipped from his whiskey again, today Tankhun and his uncle said they will visit for dinner, normally they do this every once in a while to check on Vegas and Macau but this time he knows this visit will be about Pete and he was preparing himself for it the whole day, with whiskey.

Macau entered the living room calmly and sat down beside Vegas " Phi, will you tell me what happened with P'Pete already? Why are Khun and Uncle coming to talk to you?" he asked, Vegas stayed silent so he continued

" I was genuinely happy and confused when you introduced P'Pete as your lover, now you are saying you suddenly break up with no explanation? He has been behaving weirdly too, maybe it is because he is pregnant again but you would know it if he was right?"

Vegas raised his eyebrows " Did I ever tell you about his first pregnancy?" Macau scratched the back of his head

" No phi, P'Pete told me himself back when he first got pregnant" Vegas frowned, why would Pete do that?

Macau answered his mental dilemmas "Back then me and P'Pete would frequently meet up and have heart-to-heart about our life since I would be bored when we visit the Major Family Compound so I knew about it from the start" he chuckled

"Actually I am indebted to him since he was the one who told me to approach Porchay and gave me some information about him but don't tell it to P'Porsche, I don't want him to be mad at P'Pete"

Vegas now looked more interested than before, he never thought his own little brother was friends with his crush all this time, how did he never noticed it before even after his obsessive research on Pete back then

" So you knew Pete for a long time, being friends with him behind my back" Vegas joked, he never told Macau about his crush on Pete so he wouldn't expect Macau to tell him anything anyway, Macau seemed guilty while he looked away " Sorry ph-"

Vegas interrupted " Then you noticed he is changed lately too?" he asked, Macau nodded and smiled " He behaves more kindly and more fit to be your lover, in the past he was fit to be the boyfriend of Kim with his feral and cold attitude but now he is more fitted to be with you with his new homey and warm attitude"

Macau realized right then he gave out all of Pete's secrets throughout the conversation he is having with his brother, he both talked about the pregnancy and Kim, he got nervous but does not say anything, maybe now that they are broken up it wouldn't matter too much to his older brother

Vegas gulped and played with his fingers asking a question that Macau wasn't expecting " Which Pete do you prefer?" Macau shrugged his shoulders " For being my friend? I prefer the old Pete, I still miss those days where he would let me smoke weed with him to relax after our dad died"

Vegas frowned " What?!" Macau realized he made a mistake and overshared again but tried to get away by parroting " What?" he said then continued without giving Vegas time to say anything else

" Whatever though if I choose one to be your boyfriend, I would choose this new Pete for sure, I don't know how he did it but he seems to got over that devil spawn Kim and finally healed since he seems more positive and aligned with his second gender as well as more ready for love, so yeah I am glad you got to date him in this new phase of his, I would pity you if you tried it with the old Pete"

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