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(At Pete and Porsche's Room)

Pete looked at Korn shocked, he does not know what to answer, weirdly his heart tells him to accept it but his brain is screaming at him to say 'no' so he did the most logical thing he can do, ask questions first, decide later

" May I ask who I will be marrying?" he asked, Korn nodded " Vegas, as you know, my nephew" Pete looked down, he knew it! That was why his stupid heart wanted to say yes, though it's weird in every universe he seems to find the same person, he does not know if he is lucky or unlucky to find them again and again

He continued his questions since he needs to know for the possibility of Vegas himself wanting him for torture purposes" Was he the one who request-" Korn shakes his head, he sighs " Weirdly someone else requested, and they specifically requested you too" who could it be? He has a few guesses, but none of them would make sense if Pete does not already have a relationship with one of the cousins

Since Khun Kan is dead, it must be Macau right? But why?

He looked lost for a moment, if the bachelor is Vegas he wanted to scream yes, he missed Bible's face already and he is looking forward to kissing all over his face again but he must not just say 'yes' without thinking and get married just like that, also did Vegas say 'yes' to this arrangement?

It sounded a little weird to him that a man can casually request to marry another man too, this omegaverse world is really weird

" Uhmm, Khun Korn, I want to say yes initially but I would like to ask if we can date first before marrying so I can back away in case I do not want to marry him" Korn looked surprised,

He nodded eagerly " Of course, you can, I didn't think you would even consider it considering you would want to regain your position here, you know as a bride we can't let you work as a bodyguard right?" Pete nodded, he can't even hold a gun if he was given one right now since he does not possess such talents this marriage seems to be his best shot so far even if he thought he suck at being a boyfriend too

" Why wouldn't I consider it Khun Korn? It's just marriage I can break it up if I become so troubled" he said honestly, Korn shakes his head still surprised by the boy's attitude " Then let me arrange a date for you two tonight, there is no point in waiting after both the bride and the groom agreed, you can let Tankhun dress you up before you go, I trust my oldest's fashion choices" Pete nodded, how satisfied that oldest be after hearing that Pete is marrying Vegas though?

After discussing some weird details about Pete's food preferences and such, he was seeing Korn out of their room, before going out of the door Korn stopped and looked at Pete " You can always back up, ok? Your grandparents leave you in my care, I don't want you to ever feel like you had to mate with someone because I requested" Pete cringed a little at the word ' mate' but smiled anyway

" Ok Khun Korn thank you" he said before the man smiled at him for the last time and left the room so Porsche can invade it right after.

Porsche looked at him with wide eyes " I feel like you did something bad fake Pete" he said, Pete looked away as if he is guilty, he wouldn't define it as bad really.

" Huh! Yes you did please tell me it is not something like I don't know complaining about Arm" Pete rolled his eyes " Why would that be a bad thing, didn't you say he is actively harassing me?"

Porsche sighed " Yes but Pete would try to solve it on his own and would hate it if people think of him as incapable" Pete looked down " Normally I would do the same as original Pete in my own universe and that was what made me kill myself in the end"

Porsche looked confused " You killed yourself?" Pete looked away

" Whatever let's not talk about that, to answer your question, I just agreed to date Khun Vegas and marry him if I like him" Porsche's eyes got big, what the fuck is wrong with this Pete?! " You did what? That is so out of character!"

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