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( At Pete and Porsche's Room)

When it's past 3 PM Pete finally entered the room to be welcomed by a very angry Porsche " Did you know how worried I was?! Two days? Normally you ordered to go to a heat cente-" Porsche was about to go on a rampage while Pete was enjoying his rage and worry, having this Porsche in his own universe would save him a lot of abuse

He interrupted him anyway to remind him his lack of knowledge on heats " As you said 'normally' Porsche, have you forgotten that I don't know anything about being an omega or heats?" Porsche looked beaten hearing that

He really has forgotten that his best friend is replaced by someone even less responsible than him, maybe he should mourn Pete's loss first so he can't forget it again

" Well yes but I thought you would get scared and order Vegas to bring you here, I didn't think you would spend your heat with a complete stranger" he tried to fix his reasoning while he sat down on the dining room table, he thinks he is still right

Pete pouted while he does the same on the chair opposite to Porsche " Well he is not a complete stranger I used to date his actor back in my universe" Porsche rubbed his eyes " And is that a reason to spend your heat with him?" Pete looked away, Porsche may be right but he does not want to accept that, he thoroughly enjoyed spending a night with Vegas, he does not regret anything.

Porsche shakes his head unapprovingly " Well whatever what's done is done let's just try to forget it" he said, why would they forget it? Pete will marry Vegas, he was determined to make Vegas fall head over heels for him even though Vegas is marrying him just for an ' heir'.

Someone opening their door unannounced turn their attention to them, a supermodel like male with lilac sweater that has a big sunflower pattern on it, white jeans that has violet strips, lilac big square sunglasses and a white baguette bag in his shoulder appeared" Pete!" Tankhun shouted excited, Pete will never get used to this universe's Tankhun,

Pete stands up hurriedly and greet him "Khun Noo!" Tankhun almost laughed at his weird attitude, if it was the other Pete he would have just greet Tankhun from where he was sitting

He came closer to them and sit down on the couch in their room" Don't be bothered Pete, well I am here to tell you that you can move out of here to one of the guest rooms in the house if you want to, Vegas called and told me to remove you from bodyguard headquarters after what happened with Arm" Porsche wanted to chuckle,

So Tankhun finally learned what happened, he was surprised that nothing bad or humiliating happened to Arm yet,

He then realized the ridiculous words of Tankhun, why would Pete need to move just after a bad encounter with an alpha?, that sounds sexist as hell, the old Pete would have beat Vegas up for this attitude

Pete frowned " With all due respect, I don't want to move away from here Khun Noo, I am too comfortable living with Porsche and I wouldn't want to leave him here all alone when I move out" Tankhun raised his chin and eyebrows suspiciously " Well at some point you will when you marry Vegas won't you?" he said reminding him what this deal is about,

He played with the hem of his sweater " Then you will have to leave Porsche anyway!"

Pete smiled kindly " Yeah but a lot of time will pass till then so Porsche will be more prepared physically and I will be more prepared emotionally" Porsche wanted to object, he can do without Pete, he sneak out to protect his brother all night anyway so this is a child's play for him but he can understand why Pete would be nervous to leave him too so he stayed silent for now.

Tankhun seemed thoughtful " I can't really upset my cousin about this you know, I know where he is coming from and he is right since even if you didn't have any enemies until now, you would have some of the bodyguards trying to hurt you or at least get a taste of you before you marry him"

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