Silence Is Virtue

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( Pete's Emergency Room)

Kim looked between them awkwardly not knowing what to do, the only thing he could do was leaving Pete's side and opening the distance between them

Still that was not enough for Vegas who is still looking at them with an insane amount of anger in his eyes" I thought you would let go of him finally when you turned into an omega but it seems like I was wrong" Vegas spatted towards Kim while taking his place beside Pete

Pete opened his mouth to calm Vegas down but he continued" I thought you wouldn't even get close to him so he wouldn't know that you turned into an omega, you know even if you are wearing that fancy scent blocker still the change in your scent can be recognized" should Pete act surprised? He does not know what to do so Vegas can calm down

Kim sighed " He already knows that I am an omega, so believe me I am not here to steal him from you, Vegas" he bargained while backing up a few more steps towards the door

" Good because you can't anyway" Vegas stated, Kim raised one of his eyebrows, that's doing it a little too much but he can ignore it for now as he knows ruining their relationship will only hurt Pete

He answered with a white lie that could potentially get them out of this situation instead " Whatever, I wasn't here to do anything but to support him because when I heard from my bodyguards that Pete ate honeydew I knew he will have an allergic reaction and he was deadly afraid of needles" Vegas's hand turned into a fist, since when Pete is afraid of needles?

Although Vegas knows he can't possibly know what is going on in Pete's life all the time and he is only now starting to know him, he does not think a bodyguard working in the main family compound can have a fear like that, maybe it is an internalized one? Maybe only Kim knows because they were dating in the past?

Whatever it is, he just knows that if he knew about this phobia, Vegas would drop everything he is doing to come here.

" Or you are here to abort another child, the only difference is this time the child does not belong to you, it belongs to me" he wanted to hurt Kim and Pete so they would never try and pull something like this ever again

Kim gulped while Pete protested " Wegath! That was rude!" Vegas sent a deadly gaze towards him too " Just go away Kim, you know you don't belong with him anymore" Vegas said just so he does not make Pete more uncomfortable than he already did, Kim nodded and looked at Pete " I will be out in the waiting room" he said and before Vegas can say anything he was out of the emergency room.

Pete looked up at Vegas worriedly " Vegas" he said to make Vegas say something but Vegas just looked the other way, Pete felt his heart being squeezed between Vegas's hands

He tried to explain himself one more time" Vegas I am sorry but I didn't do anything immoral with him he only calm me down when the nurses need to put needles on my arms and I really am afraid of needles"

He knows he is a little guilty but he does not know how he could act in a situation like this when he is in a whole new universe, if he can't trust fake Kim or Porsche, who should he trust beside Vegas?

Vegas still didn't answer him, he did not even looked at his way, Pete felt tears starting to fill his eyes, he was now having flashbacks from his old universe but Vegas was not that bad and Pete shouldn't be getting sad over little things like these,

It is normal why Vegas was upset with him right? He would be upset with Vegas if he saw him hanging out with his exes too, that made him think of the mistakes he might have done too,

Maybe it was too early for him to date someone after he killed himself without even breaking up with Bible but what was he supposed to do when he is sure he can't continue being a bodyguard with his non-existent abilities?

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