The Song

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( In Kim's Study)

Pete looked nervous as he sat down on one of the chairs in front of the big desk " Why do you look like you have encountered a mafia head?" Kim asked with amusement apparent on his voice, Pete felt his mouth getting dry " How do you know my nam-" Kim looked at the ceiling and then at Pete being sarcastic instead of answering Pete's question

" Come on P'Build, you should know who I am by now hmm? We experienced the same things didn't we? I am just wondering why you would wish to come this universe"

Pete was really confused, is he Jeff? If he is then why is he here? The more he does not answer the more Kim got more impatient so he smirked to himself with another sarcastic idea that came to his mind

" Cause Iııı wanna staay by your siiide-" Pete covered his mouth quickly " Ok ok Jeff, it's you, I understand" Jeff laughed and opened his arms expecting a hug" Aren't you glad that one of your best friend is here too? Didn't you miss me P'Build?" he asked to Pete,

Pete frowned and ignored Jeff's open arms making him put them down in disappointment,

Pete was too indulged in his thoughts to realize neither the arms nor the disappointment though, doesn't this mean Jeff killed himself too? How can he be happy for his friend if he killed himself and Build does not even realized it happened? Wait since when Jeff is in Kim's body?

He gave up on his train of thoughts and answered Kim instead " Of course I am not glad seeing you here Jeff, I know how to travel universes" Kim raised his eyebrows " And? Why would how I travelled matter?" Pete frowned " Of course it matters it is done by going through something traumatic, like me, I came here by killing mysel-"

Kim interrupted him angrily but with a sad expression on his face " You came here by what?! What happened for the past two years?" he asked furiously,

Pete sighed, he really does not want to have this conversation now " It's that motherfucking writer isn't it? What did she do?" Kim continued, he will not stop until he has some answers

Pete waved his hand around " Just forget about it for now Jeff, but I am curious if you didn't kill yourself to come here, then did you die or did anything else happened?" He does not think Jeff was worshipping any pagan gods like Pete to do something like this

Jeff shakes his head " No, mine is a long story P'Build, a story that I am too ashamed to tell others" Pete raised his eyebrows, Jeff was secretive as he always had been, if Jeff didn't tell him that he was here for the two years Pete would say this is the Jeff that he knows for the lost ' Two Years' " I have all day" he murmured " I can't guard anyone anyway".

Kim smiled at that, he knows Build was always a laze around princess back in their universe" Sorry P'Build, maybe when I feel more comfortable with myself I will tell you about it" Pete can't do anything but nodding, he can understand since as Build back in their universe he was secretive with what he was going through too, still he would have rather know what's bothering his friend,

Kim sat down on the other chair beside Build" So you didn't realize I wasn't myself for two years?" he asked a little heartbroken, Pete felt ashamed but to be fair they weren't that close two years ago,

Why would he want me to remember him anyway? How can he realize it's me easily if he is coming from two years ago? Also the writer was not a problem two years ago too how can he know about that?

The more he thinks about it the more it does not make any sense " How do you know about the problem I have with the writer and the music in KinnPorsche if you came here two years ago? Did you write that song way before KinnPorsche?" Pete asked,

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