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( Moving day, Pete and Porsche's room)

Porsche looked at Pete pointing at a little table in their shared space that has various statues and a few other things scattered around " Do you want me to take your altar to your new room too?" he asked,

Pete looked confused " My altar?" Porsche frowned, he thought this new Pete is pagan too, maybe he was wrong.

" Didn't you worship Hades back in your universe?" Pete shakes his head " I was a Buddhist" Porsche raised his eyebrows, so now they believe in the same religion huh?

He looked at the altar again then at Pete, does anyone know how to get rid of an altar in this house?" Well then what do you want me to do with this?" he asked,

Pete too looked at the table again, it looked so beautiful,

The table was short, narrow and black with various designs carved on it's legs, on top of the table there was a silver bowl that has a line of designs carved around it, inside the bowl there was a black candle dipped in herbs with some coins and keys, outside the bowl scattered around the table was animal bones, an old man statue with three headed dog and some " Is that weed?" his eyes got big,

Porsche started to laugh at his reaction, remembering the old days he would smoke with old Pete " Yeah you loved weed, I mean the old Pete loved it" Pete was a little surprised, the old Pete sounds so interesting, he might want to be his friend if they wouldn't need to possess the same body

He looked at the table again, thinking of what he should do with it, even though he is not pagan or anything, he feels like he shouldn't get rid of the altar out of respect and gratitude, he may even leave some offerings after researching a little about them to continue what the old Pete has started

Finally he decided to answer Porsche on his initial question " Well, I mean it looks good and since Hades is the one that bring me in here I should show some appreciation, shouldn't I?" Porsche shrugged his shoulders, that means he should bring it right? " Then I am bringing them to the new room" Pete nodded " Yes, yes bring them" he said before he continued to pack his clothes.

While they continued packing their belongings in the little shared area Pete's mind traveled to Kim's cute scent as well as Vegas's delicious smell, ever since he started smelling people he wondered if everyone can do that

He turned at Porsche with his question ready in his mind " Can you smell people too?" he asks, Porsche once again was convinced that this Pete really doesn't know anything about omegas and alphas " Of course" Porsche answered, now that raises another question in Pete's mind

Pete pouted " What do I smell like?" he asks, Porsche answered without hesitating " You smell like sweet lemon with honey and a hint of mint, though that's the detail of it, you usually smell like lemons in general" Pete nodded, so he must smell delicious, he loves lemons

That means his old self smell this delicious too, right? He would date his old self if he could " Is my scent the same as old me?" he asks, Porsche laughed at that, when he first realized it he was actually surprised that Pete's scent really changed

" Actually no, it's not but not by far, both of you have the same accents to your scent, lemon, mint and honey, the only difference is you smell more like a sweet lemon as if you are smelling it on a dessert while he used to smell more like fresh lemon that you would smell on a garden but people need to live with you two separately in a certain amount of time to get the difference so I don't think anyone else noticed"

Pete nodded and then looked innocently at Porsche to tease him " Do you want to know how Vegas smells like?" he asked, Porsche looked at him weirded out, why would he want to know that? The thought of knowing made him shudder in disgust

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