Prayers....To Hades?

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( 21.01.2023)

Build opened the door to the house he own with Bible to be welcomed by the man sitting on the couch silently waiting for him " Bi-" Bible sighed " Why can't you just let them have this win too P'Biu? You could have just wait, let her have her little victory then the fact that 4 minutes is not even written yet will be out there and she would have end up as-"

Build interrupted " I am tired Ble, I don't know how long I can take her having her way by threatening me, I know I am a man and it shouldn't matter too much, it's just a few scratches and a few forced sexual intercourses but you are my boyfriend, aren't you jealous or angry at all?" he said, his voice going weaker and weaker as he continues to talk

" I am jealous, I am angry P'Biu, I can't stand her and her director partner in crime touching you or I can't stand her harassing you in front of me everyday" Build pouted as he sat down beside Bible, then why are you telling me to let her continue?, he wanted to ask

Bible continued instead " But we have a future P'Build, I am planning on adopting children with you, raising a cat farm with you and we can't let our children have a dad that all of Thailand hates or a dad that can't earn his own money, even if I can take care of you your whole life I can die one day too leaving you alone in this world with our children, we can't afford you being hated and-" Build chuckled, he can't take this anymore

" You can't stand your future children having a poor dad, you can't afford your future children being embarrassed because of their dad is hated but you can afford me being harassed and abused, threatened, beaten, is that what you say? You fucking love the image of the ridiculously perfect family you may have one day more than me?" he shouted at his face flaring up their argument

Bible couldn't keep himself from shouting too" Yes! Yes why would I love a weak person who cannot even take a little bit of abuse for their future family?" Build let a tear roll down on his face " So you really don't love me Bible, right?" Bible was about to argue back but Build does not stop there

" Don't think that you can have that perfect little family with lovely children in the future when you behave this way towards someone you love now Bible" Bible looked hurt so he decided to hurt Build back " Maybe the problem is not my behaviours maybe I just don't love you P'Build or maybe the person I love is the problem since all these scandals seems to be happening to you only so maybe the only one guilty is you"

Build cannot take how hurtful Bible's words are anymore so he just finished their conversation with the simplest answer he can give" You are right, I guess I am the only one guilty in this equation" Bible didn't know what to say, he wanted to object but he was the first one to say the words so it's not like he can take them back now or anything,

Build continued" So you probably want to break up right? Getting rid of a problem in an easy way since you don't even love me, this is the best way" Bible felt his heart being squeezed but before he can say anything Build stands up

" Let me stay in this one night, then I will rent a new apartment so we don't have to interact with each other ever again, with how the things are going I will probably be fired anyway so you don't have to take care of me financially your whole life" he said before making his way upstairs.

Bible sit there looking at the empty wall without saying or doing anything, how did this happen? What should he do? He sighed and laid down on the couch, he does not think Build want him on the bed with himself so there is no point on trying that, well whatever Build always forgives him anyway, he will find a way tomorrow, making him breakfast or getting him a gift.

Build tried to keep strong until he entered the bathroom, he was having a panic attack, he tried to wash his face with cold water, he rubbed his face and messed his hair up hoping for a breath " I just want- Haa- to be loved" he said in between his heavy breaths as he sat down on the floor, he tried to breathe but nothing was working as his heart race like he was on a marathon, his hands shake and his breath feels as if they will never be enough,

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