Unexpected Visitors

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(At Porsche and Pete's Room)

They sat down on the kitchen table while Porsche watches Pete's movements carefully, Pete seem to have a sad expression fixed on his face but when he realized Porsche was staring he smiled " You know we are friends like this in another universe too Porsche" Porsche raised his eyebrows " So what are you and how do you know that are you a demon or a ghost?" he asked,

Pete shakes his head " I am a human from another universe, a universe where this" he points around " Is a television series I played in as an actor" Porsche looked at him with confusion " You play in a television series that is filmed at the Main Family Compound?" Pete looked at him with a pitying gaze,

How can Porsche be this much of a himbo? At least Apo has some brains to his himbo exterior, Porsche turns out to be a real himbo inside out " No I play in a television series where this family's story is being told, the story of KinnPorsche, VegasPete and KimPorchay-"

Porsche interrupted him " Who- what- did you just say my little brother's name with Kim-" Pete nodded " Yeah they uhmm well it's a long story and maybe it would be different in this universe since MacauPorchay or even the polyamorous KimMacauPorchay would be the couple in some of the un-" he stopped when he saw Porsche's terrified expression

Maybe telling someone their little brother could be in a polyamorous relationship was not the best idea" I am sorry wording it out like that Porsche, I am just talking about the series and fictions I saw in my universe about this maybe in this universe Porchay will have a whole another bachelor"

Porsche sighed " Ok, ok whatever, even if it happens it wouldn't be your fault anyway, then if you know it so much you can help me to keep him safe, huh?" Pete smiled so much that his dimples can be seen " Of course, I can" he said then he remembers he needs to ask some question about Pete in here

He needs to know if he encountered Vegas or not, wait will he experience the torture too? His heart started beating faster than it should on that thought, he looked up at Porsche worriedly" So can I ask some questions about this universe since I will be living in it for the rest of my life?" Porsche nodded " But then let me ask questions about yours so I can understand my brother's and your situation, deal?" Pete nodded " Deal"

Pete asked the first question that came to his mind " So did you and Khun Kinn, uhmm-" Porsche answered without needing to hear the rest of the question " I don't know what you expect would happen between us but no, I am not fucking or dating our boss, well not your boss anymore" Pete looked confused, did he really get fired from being a Main Family bodyguard?

" Why?" Porsche's mouth becomes a line " Well you are an omega in this world, do you know what that means?" Pete nodded, he knows what an omegaverse is " Good, so one of the bodyguards named Arm was in love with you and wanted to mate with you for a long time but you refused him again and again" Porsche said expecting an excessive reaction but Pete just pouted

" His actor back in my universe is the sweetest, I guess he will not be as sweet here by the way you tell this story" Porsche had a sympathetic look on his face " Well yeah, he riled up a hundred bodyguards and made them file a complaint to Khun Korn, at least that's what Khun Kinn told me, then Khun Korn had to give you to Tankhun as a bodyguard and not only a normal bodyguard, you are not allowed to guard him outside or on the events, you are only allowed to guard him inside the house"

Pete bites his lip " I changed universes just to be Tankhun's plaything for fuck sake that useless writer must have put a curse on me or something" Porsche looked confused but didn't ask anything further

Pete on the other hand asked the next question he has in his mind" Well another question would be, does Main Family still despise Khun Vegas or Khun Kan?" he needs to know, maybe if they do not despise them, Pete wouldn't have to be tortured,

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