Porsche looked knowingly, he wouldn't stress about that if Pete is still the Pete he knows but with this new Pete and with the bodyguards's alpha pride is a bad idea,

Because fucking a Minor Family bride would excite the fuck out of this stupid alphas

Pete looked frightened, why would they want to do that? If they didn't want to before why now? Tankhun sighed " Well what if I give a room that has two beds so both of you can stay together until Pete and Vegas marries?" Pete nodded and answered before Porsche can object, he would love that, being physically closer to Porsche may cause them to get closer emotionally too

That thought excites him, knowing that he may have another friend in here other than fake Jeff" That would be good Khun Noo, if it will not be a problem for you to arrange a room like that"

Tankhun waved his hand around " No problem, I used to open a guest room for Kim's ex boyfriend every time he had to stay over too, Kim wouldn't let him get into his room since he was afraid of Macau and Vegas identifying him so he would tell me to arrange a room for his boyfriend and always put you as a bodyguard, don't you remember?"

Pete's eyes got big, well that is genius of Kim and Pete in the past, but he thought Tankhun knows what's between them past? " Well whatever let me arrange the room for the both of you so you can move tonight" he said then he made his way out of the room without saying anything else.

As soon as he walks out of the room he took out his phone out and called his cousin " It's done Vegas, now you owe me so go get my signatures from Tian and Phupa's actors and come back to watch the final episode with me, I have been waiting for you to watch it, do you know how hard it is to not get any spoilers?!" he said excited before he closed the phone without hearing what the other party will say.

Vegas smiled on the phone like a maniac with a bloody scalpel in his hand, he thought Pete would be stubborn and say he is strong enough to take care of some bodyguards but thankfully that was not the case,

He turns around to look at the poor guy who looks at him with horror, he was one of the bodyguards that was sent to the Main Family by a nemesis so he can kidnap Tankhun to get some ransom money but thankfully Vegas has realized he was not a normal bodyguard the day he came to the Main Family Compound, he saved Pete from Arm too that day, so it was a two birds with one stone kind of day

" You still haven't passed out from the body horror you see in the mirror?" he asks, stepping towards the chair which is placed in front of a gold mirror that has carved figures around it, the guy had open wounds and missing body parts all over his body but he was still sober enough which is a rare case in Vegas's victims,

Vegas smiled " Well I just got the good news from the phone so you are lucky" he stated while bringing the scalpel to the guy's neck " You get to die early!" he exclaimed while making a deep cut on his throat,

His emotionless eyes watched the man die while blood was flowing in the air for a short moment before his head falls back , he throws the scalpel on the ground and turn to his bodyguard " Make an example out of him for the future rats in the Main Family or Minor Family Compound" he said before he removes his special torture clothes and made his way towards the stairs .

He went up the stairs to see his brother stretched out on the sofa scrolling on his phone from the slightly opened door of their living room, a smile creeped out on his face, he loves seeing his brother hanging out on main areas of the house like this since when their father was alive neither of them were allowed to do that,

He ignored him for now and continued going up the stairs until he reached his bedroom to shower and change out of his clothes before he hangs out with his little brother, he can't hang out with him with the clothes he used while torturing someone

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