Kim looked puzzled, he was confused, he was going to ask about the writer further but then he realized only one question can solve this confusion for the both of them

" In which year are you coming from P'Build?" he asked, Pete answered right away " From January of two thousand twenty three"

Kim looked horrified " So the time you are coming from I was only gone for a month?"

Pete raised his eyebrows " How is that even possible?" he murmured, Kim didn't answer him " Is the timelines that different from each other?" Pete asked again but to himself this time because he knows Kim does not have the knowledge to answer him,

Kim looked thoughtful" I don't know I just know that I came here at new years of two thousand twenty two" Pete frowned, maybe they are not from the same universe? " How is that even possible weren't we in a concert at the new years?" Pete asked,

Kim raised his hands as if he was defeated " No I meant the night after the concert when I have fallen asleep, I woke up here after a strange dream where I have made deal with Kim and-" Pete continued in his place " Hades" Kim nodded, so they experienced similar things

Pete still looked confused about how it happened but nodded anyway, he was glad that this Jeff was the one he knows for the past two years,

Now he was just wondering how Jeff really ended up as Kim and why, what happened in new years that made Jeff travel universes in his sleep? He knows that with his attitude as Kim he can't get any answers from him about that so he diverted his attention to another topic, the Jeff that he encountered back in their universe for the past month

If they used to go out with Pete, then does that mean for the past month Jeff was encountering him as Build romantically too? Maybe even trying to make him and Bible break up on purpose? He needs to ask if this relationship really existed or not first

He turned at Kim who was already watching him with curiosity waiting for his new question" What happened between Pete and Kim?" he asked, Kim smirked at that question quitting his curious side and entering into a more playful one" Haven't you figure that out already?"

Pete shake his head " I am so confused, Vegas said you made me get rid of a baby, is it you or-" Pete stopped as he saw Kim's playful vibe was now being replaced with sadness and shame

'I thought he was only asking about the relationship, how can Vegas know about the abortion anyway? Even if he knows how does he have the courage to tell anything about it to Pete? Is he aware that Pete is replaced?' Kim thought but he was separated from his thoughts with Pete gently grabbing his shoulder

He answered truthfully, no need to lie as he was afraid that lie would bite him in the ass later" It is me, I did it not the real Kim and before you ask further yes, old Pete and old Kim had a happy relationship and no the baby was not a one night stand product it was a love product between them" Pete frowned, well that answers a lot of his questions at the same time creating more confusions

" Why on earth would you do something like that Jeff Worakamon Satur?" Kim started fake laughing, finally his best friend is over his confusion and acting like his best friend again by scolding him as he used to do" Hmmm my whole name and all, you must really be pissed at me right?" he said amused,

Pete sighed " How can you do something like that to someone?" he repeated his question, Kim looked up at the ceiling as he cannot bear to have more eye contact with Pete or he might break down and tell him everything

" I had my reasons, that I can't tell you right now" Pete looked more interested but he does not want to make his friend more uncomfortable

He put his hand on Kim's shoulder startling him and making him look at Pete" Ok I will ask you only one more thing" he said,

In Another UniverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon