62. Crumbs Of Past-I

Start from the beginning

"So? This changes everything Iseul. I will marry you. We will have a family and God I really like you Iseul. I'll do whatever you tell me to." Namjoon said.

"But... I love Junkgook, I can't do this to him."

"We will talk to Jungkook, he will understand." Namjoon reasoned.

"No, he will not. Do you think he will go easy on you after knowing what happened between us."

"Let's try hm..... Even if he doesn't forgive me, he will eventually I am his brother. Besides I am about to succeed dad and I'll become CEO, it's perfect for us to have a family at this time."

"You don't know yet whom will succeed your dad, I'll do an abortion."

"No, please. You can't do that. They are my child too. Please marry me Iseul. I'll make you the happiest girl." Namjoon practically begged.

"I never thought about you like that. What happened was an accident and my brother will not agree for this marriage too."

"I'll talk to Min, I'll beg if I have to. Please, don't do it." Namjoon said.

"No.... I can't do that... But maybe... After marriage I can make Jungkook think it's his child. A month won't make any difference." Iseul said.

"But I am his dad. Iseul please......"

"If not abortion, this is the only thing I can do. I am sorry Namjoon, I am sorry." she said leaving the room, heartlessly walking away from begging man.


A week later......

On call.....


"Iseul how are you? Are you taking your medicines? Are you feeling okay?" Namjoon said from the other side. He wasn't in the country at that time.

"Listen to me Namjoon. I've thought alot about it but I can't deceive Jungkook. Beside if this kid is born, you will always feel obligated to it. It is better for both of us, that I take an abortion."

"No, Iseul. I'll be there tomorrow then let's talk about it calmly? Hmm? I know during pregnancy your hormones make you feel uncertain about many things." Namjoon reasoned.

"No you are not understanding...." Iseul shouted.

"I am understanding, but please let me comeback. We will talk. If you still want it then I'll go with you." Namjoon had no other choice but to bid the time lying like that.

"No, you are lying its too late. I am on my way to hosp........" the voice was interrupted by a loud crash.

"Iseul.... Iseul......" Namjoon screamed but he could only hear the beep on otherside.

A few hours later he found the news that Iseul met an accident, she was announced dead on the spot due to excessive blood loss.

That day two worlds were shattered but the sound of one was very loud, heard by everyone. It was Jungkook's world. However, the sound of other was silent, dark, heard by no one. It was Namjoon's.

Jungkook's pain was seen by the world and he took condolences by everyone but Namjoon's pain was invisible seen by none.

------------------Flashbacks ends------------------

Initial investigation went on for hours. The inspector infront me kept asking me questions one after another. However, for some I was silent and for others I was answered the way I wanted to do it.

I know no one will come after me, not my dad and Jungkook too not in a thousand years. I was shift to the cell of police headquarters, until orders of my trial came. I spend a day looking at the darkness of the cold room. At this point I don't even know whom to curse, myself, Iseul, Jungkook or the person who made me into this.

"Subject 3962, you have a visitor." I looked up the person who spoke to me. I was guided to the meeting chamber, I was wondering who would be there, might be my lawyer.

I entered to find the most unexpected person there,  I didn't want to see him, I didn't want him to see me. However, I saw how pleading his expressions were. His swollen eyes as if he was crying from days, his bandaged arm.

"Why are you here Seokjin?" I said after taking the seat on one side of the glass he on the other.

"Why shouldn't I be?" he said.

"I didn't give you any reason. If there is some, then it's to hate me, hate a monster like me."

"Everything is a lie, an illusion that you have created around you."

"That's the reality of who I am. Didn't you see the evidences? Do you need something else to believe it?" I snickered.

"You can tell it a thousand times but I won't believe it. I'll believe what your eyes tell me to." Seokjin said weakly.

"Stop it Seokjin will you? Isn't it what you wanted along with Taehyung. Well, congratulations to you and to him." I chuckled.

"Stop it Namjoon, stop lying to yourself. Come out of it. I don't know what has been caging you but you and I both know its not you. What happened to Taehyung in the past wasn't you. I don't know what leverage that shit of a person has on you and why are you still defending him. Please.... Please Namjoon.... Don't do this to yourself.... To...... "


"To me.... Please I beg you..." tears start to roll down his eyes.

I looked at him, not believing what he just said. "There is no us Seokjin....."

"There is.... You feel it too. What I feel you feel it too and you don't even know how my heart is hurting, seeing you like that."

"You sound ridiculous"

"Let me be ridiculous Namjoon but please, please listen to me." he said bringing his hands together begging me. "I heard that night what you said thinking that I was asleep." his eyes teared up again.

"It was nothing...."

"Don't lie please don't...."

"What you want me do? Can't you see, I am never coming out of it. Go away Seokjin. Why are you tormenting me with more. You deserve much better than me."

"I am not, I want you to step up and end this torment of yours. Tell everything in the court. I know it's not you, you are not capable of it and we have evidences, if you give your pleading according to it, we will be able to get to real culprit."

"You want me to betray?"

"This is not a betrayal Namjoon...... Wouldn't it be betrayal to yourself, taking burden of all of it."

I was quite, I didn't say anything, "I won't say do it for me or anyone else. For yourself Namjoon, don't you want a chance at happiness and peace? You lost someone you adored and an unborn child for what? Please I beg don't do it to yourself and to me. We don't deserve it." Seokjin sighed. When he found no answer from my side, he knew it was the time for him to leave.

"I'll wait for you to return back to me." Seokjin said before leaving the room.


Namjoon's backstory is kinda sad 🤧🤧

Love from my side 💜

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