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"Bec! Oh my gosh. Where did you go? We were worried sick about you." Irin exclaimed, going straight to her best friend, enveloping her with a hug.

It seems like everyone from the gang, including Richie, is in their house waiting anxiously for her.

"How could you leave just like that, Becky? You should've asked any one of us to accompany you to where you had to go. Did you forget that you're pregnant?" Richie frustratedly reasoned.

"I'm sorry to have worried you guys." Becky guiltily mumbled. She knows she acted rash, and she wasn't thinking properly. She didn't mean to, but everything blanked out when she saw the photo one of her highschool friends sent. In just one glance, she knew it was her wife. How can anyone expect her to stay still and wait when she finally has a lead?

She became quiet for a minute, thinking back to the events of the day; the mere memory making her heart clench.

If you tell Becky months before that she will kneel and beg one of her most hated enemies, she would laugh at you. But, who would've thought that she, the princess of the Armstrong family will go as to do such an act.

Yet, she would do it all over again, not only for herself, but especially for her wife and her unborn child.

"Where did you go, Bec?" Noey asked.

"I finally found her."

"Freen? You found her?" Heng excitedly started. "Where is she, then? Why isn't she with you? Is she still outside?"

Everyone waited for Becky's answer anxiously.

"Sorry; wrong choice of words, guys. I mean, I haven't literally found her. I just found a lead about her whereabouts. P' Yah saw a photo of Heidi posted by one paparazzi during her vacation. She was hugging an unknown woman in the photo, which everyone speculated to be her partner, but they're wrong, because I am a hundred percent sure that the person in the photo is my Freen. So, I quickly headed to Heidi's company to ask her about where Freen was, but sadly, she wouldn't tell me where she is. She said that she promised the latter not to tell anyone where she went. According to her, Freen wants to be left alone, and she has no plans of going back." She couldn't stop the tear rolling from her cheek as she recalled what Heidi told her.

"Oh, Becky. But what about you and little bunny?" Nam sadly asked.

"What are your plans, sis? Are you going to give up?"

"Of course not, Richie. I will never. Freen never gave up on me, so I will also do the same. She may have gotten tired, so she deserves to rest. I think the 4 months she was away was enough. I'm now taking her back. I'm taking back what's mine." Becky said with a small smile.

"But what are you going to do if Heidi will not tell you where she is?"



"I'm sorry, Becky... I don't know if I should help you. I mean, to be honest, you are actually in the wrong here."

After Heidi said this, she went to the kneeling girl's side, rubbing her back gently. But the younger was now crying even harder, feeling hopeless with the older's answer.

Moments after, she felt like she was being helped up and sat on the couch. Once she was settled, the CEO strode across the room to get Becky some water to drink.

Heidi can be a bitch some times, but she is an actual softy.

"Here. Drink up, Armstrong. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but we can at least be civil, right?"

Becky just stared at her for a while before taking the water she was offering and drinking from it.


"You know I like Freen, right? No. I actually think that I fell in love with her. But even when we were still in high school, I was well aware that she only had her eyes on you, which sucked, as I see every single day how you treated her. Freen is a treasure. She is a gentle soul. She is too kind hearted for her own good, that's why I can't understand why you had to be so harsh to her."

"Watching you treat her like trash was torture, which is why I tried my best to get her attention on me. I openly flirted with her. I tried to show her my feelings, because I knew that I can treat her so much better. And I hated you. I hated you so much, because you did nothing good to her, but she was treating you like a queen."

Becky was just quietly listening, reminiscing everything Heidi was telling her about. She was right. Freen treated her not only like a princess, as she always calls her, but a damn queen. But in return, she treated her worse than a slave.

"When I found her, I quickly thought of you. I wanted to tell you where she is, because you were pregnant. Though I wanted to be selfish and have her all to myself. I can't be that person. I can't ruin someone else's life. I can't destroy a family." Heidi continued.

"But she be begged me, Becky. What's even worst is what I saw in her eyes. She was so hurt, so broken. That's when I promised that I will not give her back. I will let her live her life without you and be loved and treated as she deserves, because how sure am I that if she returns to your side, you would actually change?"

Becky quickly shot her head up to look at the girl because of her statement.

"No. Please, no. Please, give me a chance. I promise I'll change. I promise I'll be the best wife to her, just give me a chance to make up for everything I did." Becky, begged again, on her knees rubbing her palms together, sobbing loudly, eventually holding on to the girl's knees.

Heidi just looked at her intently with a blank face and Becky can swear she was holding her breath.

And when the older said, "I'm giving you one last chance, Armstrong. Hurt her, even just once, and I swear I'll take her from you, by hook or by crook." Everything else seemed to have zoned out.

"She'll be seeing Freen!" That's the only thing that's inside Becky's head. Nothing else mattered, and that's when it hit her, Freen is her world now, and there's no way in hell she'll go home without her.

AN: A long chapter for being MIA. I will be very busy now, because of school, so I might only be able to update during weekends. What are your thoughts? See yah!

Before It Sinks In (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon